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Messages - galin

Pages: [1]
About the post I mean E-mail in the forum post for the tech . dep.
M. 12strings you are admin or ....
PMDX 126
Since today the only thing I manage to do is to work with the GATE output.
I follow all the direction and is the result .Maybe is my misinformation , need more know how about electronic , the language use (technical word ) or the language English (born French Canadian ).
All that said is I place 2 or 3 email on the pmdx web costumer site and had answer Until what I don't radio silence from PMDX. At least if my question can't be answer just say I DON'T KNOW  and we will try together to find answers not just not answering . That is the most it's the most insulting thing . Try me , ask me question that really matter to you and me not giving you nothing not even  I DON'T KNOW  , how would you feel.
And If you can deal with reproach so you maybe not be in the right place .

As I am a customer I expect an answer when we ask a question and especially when it is the third time I ask it without having an answer. I find it really insolent. As a self-respecting company you would at least have the despondency of answers that you do not know.


 je suis un client je m'attend a une réponse quand on pose une question et surtout quand c'est la troisieme fois que je la pose sans avoir de reponse .
Je trouve cela vraiment insolent .
Comme compagnie qui se respecte vous auriez au moins la désense de reponde que vous ne le savez pas.

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