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Messages - kane14109

Pages: [1]
Thank you for your quick response..  Answers to your question and comments.

1. yes.  between pins 2 & 3.  Also verified with ohmmeter.
2. Pin 1 open
3.  Yes- there is a good connection
4. Red led on solid under all conditions, green led is blinking
5. Light is Green
6. no
7. no
8. Problem still exists.

I checked the dc voltage between on J14
Pins 1 - 2 = 2.5 vdc
pins 2 - 3 = 15 mv

I believe there is no voltage on pin 3, which there should be.   I replaced the plug on j14 to make sure there was not a problem with the plug and have the same results.

Thank you.

Just got my board today and have it all wired up and connected to the computer.   Running Mach4 I can not enable the system.  I get an error message - EStop Active not allowed.  I have tried with the J14 jumped and not jumpered. (plugging in and unplugging the termination plug).  Suggestion are needed.   Anxious to get resolved.   Thanks. 

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