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Messages - John Leyenaar

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Okay thanks ..... I was planning to upgrade to build 3206 anyway, but I want to finish a router project I am working on first.
Don't want to ask for trouble in the middle of a job!
I will keep you updated when I have upgraded and made the changes as you suggest.

Bob .... I found some more info using Windows 10 "Event Viewer"
Attached are two screen shots of the event from yesterday when it crashed.

When I say crashed, I mean there is no MACH4 screen anymore ... it is completely gone, back to my desktop.
So when I then try to start the program again (double clicking the desktop icon), the initial MACH4 window (not the GUI but the initial window) opens but never goes beyond that - so I assume there is some part of MACH4 still running in the background (didn't check the task manager).
That is when I reboot my computer, and then I can start MACH4 normally by double clicking the icon.

Also, I remember in August of this year I had contacted MACH4 about this problem, I was able to get a screen shot just before MACH 4 "crashed". I think I had made a Windows 10 configuration change which would enable a debug screen to appear before shutting a program down. I don't remember now what I did to enable that though - I think the change I made must have gotten reset by the big Windows 10 update maybe, because it doesn't appear now - As I said, MACH4 screen simply disappears.
Anyway, I still have a copy - see attached .jpg

Sorry, forgot these two attachments

Thanks Bob,

I am running Windows 10 - 64 bit version.
I have attached a pdf with some screen shots to answer you other questions ... thought it would be easier that way.
Also attached the debug package I created with MACH 4.

I created a GCode program (also attached) with a simple line of text to test ..... "- This is a PDMX Laser test -"
It got about half way through and MACH 4 crashed - wouldn't restart - had to reboot computer to to be able to open MACH 4 again.

Thanks, John

I am running Windows 10, MACH 4 with a PMDX-422 to a 3 axis machine on which I can either mount a Router or Laser head.
- To turn the "Spindle" (Router or Laser) ON or OFF, I use M3 and M5 which drives the relay on the PMDX-422.
- When using the Router, there isn't really a problem I think because the I only need one M3 at the beginning of the job and an M5 at the end.
- But when I am using the Laser head, I need several M3/M5's within the job (between letters in a line of text for example).
  ... That is when the problem appears - after running five or six M3/M5's, MACH 4 will crash (program completely stops and won't restart unless I reboot my computer ... not nice!) - Not always in the same spot but always on an M5.
I have done some tests:
- I can turn "Spindle" ON / OFF "manually" from MACH 4 Console as many times and as fast as I want with no problem.
- I have tried M10/M11 configured to Output 1 (without it being tied to any device) - No problem .... but when I then configure that Output 1 to "SmartBOBUSB" Pin 1, I get the problem again, same as using M3/M5.

I haven't been able to determine if this is a MACH4 4 problem (I have asked them but they have no answer) or a problem with the PMDX-422 .... Or maybe a problem with Windows 10 compatibility I guess.

Any help would be appreciated - Thanks

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