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Messages - LerninCNC

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I talked with Steve on the phone.  He suggested a few tests that showed the 126 board was at fault.  I sent the board back and the PMDX technician found a buffer chip that drives the Pin 14 signal had a dead output on that signal.  The board was repaired at no cost to me and mailed back.  It is now installed and my mill is working as expected.  Thanks PMDX for the excellent support.

I called PMDX earlier this week and Steve walked me through a series of tests that indicated the 126 board was the root cause.  I mailed them the board, which they should receive tomorrow, for evaluation and repair.

For info, no matter which test the P1 P14 LED would not light. 

I appreciate your help.

Still working on sorting this M3/M4 problem.  Reading the 126 manual I found that J6 and J5 outputs are identical.  Got me thinking that could use the J5 "B" and "C" outputs to generate the direction signals.  I got the "B" and "C" LEDS to come on with M3 and M4 commands.  So I think I'm headed in the right direction.  However, these signals are not making it to the 107 spindle control board.  What settings to I need to make/change to get the 107 board to receive these signals?

I sure could use some help.

I need help here.  Still no luck sorting this out.  Either the 126 is not processing a REV signal or the 107 is not passing it through to the VFD.  I swapped the FWD and REV signal wires at the 107 and whether I key in a M3 or M4 command the spindle turns CCW.  This tells me the VFD is configured correctly.

Further info:

Running Windows 7 64 bit
Mach3 version 062
ESS-M3-170328-u4-f1-H plugin version

I swapped the two ribbon cables from the ESS to the PMDX board.  Also inspected the cable and board connectors.  All looks good.  Checked ribbon cable pin 14 for continuity.  Continuity is good.  Unplugged the PMDX-107 from the PMDX-126.  Still no Pin 14 LED with a M3 or M4 command.

I read on this forum where someone else had a similar problem that was due to a bad Mach configuration file.  I reloaded Mach3 and started my configuration from a clean sheet of paper.  I didn't save any of my previous settings because I didn't want to copy over a bad configuration.  Didn't help. 

I don't have anything wired into J6 but will try your other suggestions.  Thanks.

Thanks for responding.  The pin 14 LED does not come on with either a M3 or M4 command.  I changed the Dir pin from pin 14 to pin 17 and pin 1.  These lights came on but the spindle still turned CW with a M3 and M4 command.  For info pin 16 LED comes on whether it's a M3 or M4 command. 

For info my VFD is a Hitachi WJ200-015sf.  I've attached a diagram of my 107 to VFD wiring.

I piggy backed this new thread onto my closed out K1 and K2 relay thread but after thinking on it for a couple of days thought it would be best to start a new one.  If this is not the correct way to do let me know.  Otherwise: my spindle will not reverse direction.  I've gone through my Mach3 configuration as well as my VFD parameter settings.  I changed some of the settings one at a time but still no luck and rewired the 107 board to my VFD.  I've read through the manuals several times and haven't been able to find the problem.  Been working on this for three days and haven't made any progress.

I've attached my Mach3 XML file.  Any help is appreciated.

I am by no means an expert but I did just complete my installation using a PMDX-126, PMDX-107 and an ESS.  In regards to the pin numbers look closely at your 126 board.  Each screw terminal has a number etched next to it.  These numbers are your pin numbers.  Hope this helps.

Since I got the K2 relay to turn on my coolant pump my spindle will not reverse direction.  I've gone through my Mach3 configuration as well as my VFD parameter settings.  I changed some of the settings one at a time but still no luck.  Been working on this for two days and haven't made any progress.

I've attached my Mach3 XML files and screen shots of my configuration.  Any help is appreciated.  I've got a job waiting to be run.


I figured it out.  I'm running a 107 spindle board and it's configuration was using Port 1 pin 14.  So I set JP2 to multimode and configured Output 2 for Port 2 pin 14.  K2 is now working and powering on my coolant pump.  Still haven't figured out why K1 and K2 LED's were on before but at this point it's not important.

My setup has been working flawlessly for several months.  Last weekend I decided to setup Mach to control my flood coolant pump.  I started out enabling K1/pin 1 to send a 5vdc signal to a relay that would start/stop the pump motor.  I got a 3.95vdc signal from pin 1 to the relay but the pump motor would not start.  Did some research and discovered that I could run the pump motor directly from K1 so that is the direction I decided to take.

Went back to the shop yesterday and made the wiring changes.  K1 and K2 were working last time I had the machine running but when I started up I had no lights on either relay.  I checked my configuration thinking I might have not saved my settings and all appears good.  I have JP1 jumpered to pin 1 and JP2 jumpered to pin 14.  In Mach3 Output 1 is enabled and set to port 1 and pin 1.  Output 2 is set to port 1 and pin 14.  Selecting active high or low has no effect.

I'm running a PMDX-126 BoB, PMDX-107 spindle control board, and ESS on Windows 7 64 bit laptop.  My xml file is attached.

Am I missing a setting somewhere? 

I joined this forum because I've heard good things about PMDX products and support.  Recently I purchased a PMDX-126 BoB, PMDX-107 spindle controller and an ethernet smoothstepper.  Finished up installation and configuration and got the BoB and smoothstepper working in normal mode.  I can jog the motors, the e-stop works, limit switches do what they are supposed to do, and the probe functions.  But when I configure the Dip switch for normal mode with charge pump the motors no longer move and the remote e-stop doesn't work.  I've enabled the charge pump function in Mach3 and specified Port 1 and Pin 17.  Spent most of today reading and trying to track down a solution.  No luck!

My second issue is I can't get the PMDX-107 board to communicate with my VFD (Hitachi WJ200-015SF).  I followed the AN002 instructions but still no communication.  Tried it with charge pump and without. 

PLC is jumpered to L on upper row "Source Logic".

Motor thermal switch to Terminal 5 (Logic Input) and Terminal L (Grnd for logic inputs) on VFD

107 to VFD Connections:

Rev/Dir  to Terminal 2 on VFD (Logic Input)
Fwd/Run to Terminal 1 on VFD (Logic Input)
COM to Terminal P24 on VFD (+24V for logic inputs)
Aref to Terminal H on VFD (+10V analog reference)
Aout to Terminal O on VFD (analog voltage input)
Agnd to Terminal L on lower row on VFD (GRND for logic inputs)
Dip 6 On For RatioMetric (Tried it Both Ways On and off).

Not sure what I'm doing wrong.  Any help is appreciated.  If more information is needed please ask.


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