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Messages - jcrowe

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We are having an issue with step pulse width.  We get a 5 uSec pulse width to the motors no matter if we set the smartbob config to 5uS or 10uS.  I would like at least a 10us pulse. The old controller we are replacing put out a much wider pulse and drives the Bridgeport MagAmp drivers well.  This narrow pulse may work (I will find out Monday when we finally connect it to the mill), but I just know that it isn't even close to the output of the original controller.  I'm not sure of the original pulse width, but it was about 50% duty cycle (on 50% and off 50%).  What is going on?  It does change the setting in the Machine.ini file, but seems to have zero effect on output pulses?  Is there a way to set it higher than 10uSeconds?

Mach4 Hobby Build 2270
PMDX-422 Rev B1 (Ser# 32785)
Bridgeport Series One CNC Mill (Soon)

Doesn't seem to matter whether we check the 5us or 10us option, we are getting a 5 uSec pulse all the time.

We did notice that on the original BOSS controller (that is being replaced) the steps were at about 50% duty cycle.  We are looking at the step pulses that the SmartBob is outputting and we are getting narrow pulses about 5-10uSec pulse.  Is this normal? 

I did email Steve my ID today.. He did send the request immediately, but I had to be sure I was using a good machine etc so we wanted to run in demo mode for a short time.  Please nudge him for me :)

I did learn about the Buffer Objects and disabled that as this machine is older and probably has no OpenGL support or whatever it's looking for.

It isn't connected to the machine.  We expect to do that tomorrow as the machine is in our manufacturing facility off site.  Currently, I'm just using the PC intended for the CNC Mill, connected to the SmartBob and looking at the signal with a scope, so not sure how much it was actually moving. It does sometimes clear those crazy DRO numbers at the end of the code, but sometimes, they stay.   The numbers were incrementing but not correctly.

Now here's the scary part.  I loaded your Machine.ini from above.  Tried a couple files.  Then removed your .ini file and replaced it with mine.  Made a backup of my profiles and uninstalled/reinstalled SmartBob.  Ever since it seems to be behaving much better (using the same profile as before).  Not sure if I should be happy with the result yet or not ;)   I'm with you.  I don't like problems that just go away especially when it won't be nearby for me to debug later.

Mach4 is Build 2270 (I'm currently waiting on an email response from someone at PMDX/Newfangled with a license code)
My board says Rev B1 Serial # 32785 (It's brand new as 2 weeks ago, so I assume it's fairly current)
It's win XP 32 bit on a Desktop PC that will be installed into the cabinet on our CNC machine

I'm having a similar issue.  I made a simple code to move on only 1 axis.  It works flawlessly with the Mach4 Sample profile but not with PMDX Sample or any time I enable the SmartBob as the motion device. For example, I tried to move 2 in in X axis and would sometimes get .39, .86, 3623.00... Seems really random.  I am new to this software and board, but I'm totally lost now.  I need to get this running and delivered by tomorrow, but I'm stuck

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