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Topics - The Contractor

Pages: [1]
I recently purchased a PMDX 126, 107 And a Warp9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper. What I am trying to do is install my NPN 3 wire style sensors. The two questions I have are.
1.  Are all the GND pins on J12 connected to each other in other words can i run 1 ground from a terminal block that has all of the sensors GND attached to it. or dose each sensor need it own GND
2.  From what I see in the 126c user's manual the boards max amps out for 12v and 5v is 250ma on J11 and J12. My question is dose J11 and J12 pull power from J18. because I am running a 107 from J18 do my NPN sensors need to have there own power supply. I am powering my ESS from a 5v din rail supply. I do have 12v din that runs the enclosure fans and could use it to power my NPN sensors if needed.

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