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Topics - c5h5nino

Pages: [1]
Hello all,

New member of the thread just joined yesterday. As of a couple of days ago I bought a new Sherline mill with a bunch of accessories and almost everything to convert it to CNC. I would like to purchase the rest of the components from PMDX but I would like some help.

With the Craig's List purchase I received:

3x Sanyo Denki Step Syn (Nema 23) Stepper motors, 2A DC 1.8deg step (103H7126-5710)

3x RTA Pavia 24-45 VDC (CSD02.V) stepper motor control boards.

The machine also came with Sherline's 4th axis and controller

I posted a similar post on the forum and received a response suggesting I look into PMDX components, which brought me here...

My dilemma is the mind blowing array of breakout boards available. If anyone could please recommend the necessary PMDX components (breakout board, power supply, etc) that will interface with the components I already have (listed above) to complete the CNC conversion of the mill I would be very grateful!

Thank you in advance,

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