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Topics - KG7AMV

Pages: [1]
I cannot get the 107 to talk to the VFD. Test Mode when it exits it does give it some com when A001 is set to control terminal and A002 is set to key pad and switched to run. When Hooked to a POT it works as it should just not with the PMDX-107.  PMDX-126 W/ESS

VFD is a HITACHI WJ200-022SF Settings. See Quick Reference Page 50:

A001 set at 01 Even Tried 00 (A001: 01 Control Terminal, 00 Pot Control On Ext Operator   
A002 Set to 01 Control Terminal
PLC is jumped to L on upper row "Source Logic"  (Page 27)

Connecting the 107 to the VFD

Rev/Dir  to Terminal 2 on VFD
Fwd/Run to Terminal 1 on VFD
COM ? P24 on VFD
Aref  to H on VFD
Aout  to O on VFD
Agnd - L on lower row on VFD
Dip 6 On For RatioMetric (Tried it Both Ways On and off).

Am I doing something Wrong In the hookup or settings? 

Using a PMDX 126 W/ESS, PMDX 107, HITACHI WJ200-022SF VFD

Wondering if anyone has a wiring info/diagrams for a Feed Rate & Spindle Speed Override. Or if it is Possible using mach 3.

Ideally would like to add 2 potentiometers to the machine to control both?


General Discussion / Thanks For The Support Forum..
« on: November 23, 2014, 08:55:00 PM »
Awaiting My PMCX-126 should be here next week.

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