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Topics - lab auto man

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Ok. I have been able to get the spindle wired to the inverter and the inverter powered up. I set the motor parameters p2.01 to p2.05 and performed the auto tune!  I am just trying to get it run via the front of the inverter before interfacing it to Mach 4. 
p0.00  = 1
p0.01  = 0
P0.02   =0
P0.03 = 400
P0.04 = 400
P0.05 = 50
P0.06 = 50
P0.07 = 0
P0.08 = 0
P0.09 = 0
P0.10 = 0
P0.11 = 6   5 or less cause auto tune to fail
P0.12 = 6   5 or less cause auto tune to fail

I removed the jumper between pins 3 and 4 of J1 so that it is set for control via front panel.   The spindle hums and may turn a little but something is not correct.  Any Ideas?

I have a PMDX-126 run by USB SS and I am trying to get a rotary axis working.  The axis is driven by ClearPath SD servo.  I have  step wire going to pin "16" on J6 and the direction going to pin "17" on J6.  The enable is connected to +5 PC and all commons are connected to ground PC.   This rotary axis uses the B motor in Mach 3 and is parallel to my Y axis.  I believe I have all the settings in Mach correct.  If i try to use MPG to move the rotary axis The numbers on the screen change  but no real movement. The servo drive is in servo lock.  I do not see the LEDs at pin 16 or 17 light or change at all.  I do not believe I am getting step or direction signal from the PMDX-126.  All my other axis work x,y,z and C slaved to X.  Any ideas?  what am I do wrong?


This is a continuation from my post on Mach forum.  I debated about starting here Bob but I saw the other post on the Mach forum so I jumped in their.  You were correct it was a noise problem.  The funny thing was the only thing the K1 relay was driving when I was testing was an extension cord that has a neon light molded in the female end so you can tell it has power.  As soon as I removed the extension cord it I could hear the relay click on and stay on.  I should have suspected noise because a few times it did work properly when testing.  That was most likely because I turned it on close to the zero crossing of the AC.

Under plugin control I selected the SS and there are adjustment for noise filtering.  Everything was set to 0.  I changed the limits filtering to 10 which I thick that an input has to be active for 14.3 micro seconds to valid now.  It all is working now.

Thanks for your help. PMDX has the best tech support and products!!

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