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Topics - Bill I

Pages: [1]

These are the wires from PMDX107.  I do not know where to connect these wires to the Delta VFD.

PMBX 107                      


Delta VFD-M

Forward/Stop      MO
Rever1se/Stop      M1
Reset                    M2
Multi-Step  1        M3
Multi-Step  2        M4
Multi-Step  3        M5
Common Signal   GND

126-134 problem set all step and direction with the assistance from Steve thanks again Steve.  The problem is that #4 drive does not move but it has power.  The motor does move in the test mode and when I plug into another driver it will move.  Could it be a problem with the ribbon cable between the 126 and the 134 also I am running a USB smooth stepper.
Thanks Bill I

I followed the instructions to the letter.  At initial power ? on After the E-Stop turned off the Outputs Enables LED turned on and turned off and the status LED started blinking.
I also have the PMDX 107 attached to the PMDX 126. How do I get Outputs Enables LED to stay on or is this because I have the PMDX 107 attached?

Bill I

Pages: [1]