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Topics - landon303

Pages: [1]
Hey all!  I have a Microkinetics CNC retrofit kit on a BP clone mill, and I went PMDX to avoid their proprietary software in favor of Mach 3, which I'm already familiar with on a CNC plasma table.

On my plasma, I used these switches for home switches, so that I could square the gantry which has the Y & A axis slaved to each other.

I bought 6 of them for the mill, hoping they're the right ones for the PMDX board.  Will be using them for X Y & Z limit switches.  I'm confused I guess on how to wire, it sounds like everything will be in series, run in an NC config, and when I hit the limit of travel for any axis, all 3 motors will hault?  Or?  I'm lost at the logic, on the plasma each switch went to a seperate spot on a board in the control box, but they were for homing of course.  I guess what I'm asking is, how does the machine act when any of the switches are triggered?

Is the Estop tied into this same circuit, too? or is it stand-alone?  Ahh sorry I just can't wrap my head around it haha

Lastly, for a coolant pump, I'm curious if you have a model of pump that you can point me to? 

That's all for now, thanks so much for the help I'm so close to making chips, and am very excited!


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