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Topics - Rubes

Pages: [1]
SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / M62P1/M63P1 on PMDX416
« on: November 28, 2019, 06:47:08 PM »
Does the PMDX416 support the M62Px/M62Px commands in Mach4? from what I gather these used to be M10Px and M11Px
I am trying to turn a laser on/off and understand this is a faster/better way to do it to not get the "bloom" at the start of a line.

found this old thread that used macros to enable an output with M10
wouldnt running a macro be slower than just using M3/M5?

Im useing:
SmartBOB Plugin version: 0.53.263
SmartBOB firmware version: 0.60.208
SmartBOB bootloader version: 1.13.73


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / PMDX-424 vs PMDX-416
« on: December 17, 2016, 02:54:31 PM »
Currently investigating going the Mach4 route with a new build (still working on a LinuxCNC with Mesa cards as well).
Is the 424 that much more popular than the 416 just because of the isolated USB and 4 additional inputs?

Also, when I see things like "in the future" or "coming soon" (in reference to threading with these two boards) in product descriptions I get a bit worried. there have been way too many products and software that have left many in the dust with open ended promises.
Since this is for a lathe application, that is an important detail.

Anyway, still in the early stages, and wanted to know what I give up, if anything, with the 416 vs the 424.

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