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Topics - it_guy

Pages: [1]
I dont know what happened between the last update of Firmware and the latest version of mach, but my machine is driving me nuts!

I set Home. Jog out of the way, set my workpiece, press go to home. It starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction and sets at a random spot on the table. if I press it again it moves in the same direction, but this time only 2-3 in on the x and y axis.

anybody please help!
My wife is starting to hate me for spending sooo much time on this, and I cannot have her hating me too.

This machine hating me is enough.... what is with mach and their motion issues!


I know all of you at PMDX are in a daily struggle to provide the latest and greatest when it comes to the latest drivers and Mach4 hobby updates.
It would help many who already own the 422, or are looking into purchasing one, if we knew what your burndown project list/timeline looked like for new features like probing and axis slaving.

I know you are all very busy, but I was hoping for some type of timeline so I can schedule my projects accordingly.

Thank you so very much!


I just installed mach 4 release 2251 and got no movement from any axis on my machine, the DRO's reflected this.
I reinstalled mach 4 release 2238 and everything is working just fine.
Just wanted to see if this is a known issue and if there are any fixes on the way?
it works just fine with R2238 for now so no rush, a heads up to anyone getting ready to update.


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / PWM Output on the 422
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:54:41 AM »
I know that this is a coming feature and I will be using it in conjunction with the SuperPID router controller for my Bosch 1617EVS Router.
So far I have the Router working with the 422, but it auto starts and when the spindle CW button is on in Mach4 it will stay at 5000 rpm. When the button is turned off after completing a cut and returning to zero or home, the router spools up to max. I am looking at my end to be sure everything is wired correctly. I do know that this feature is being added, so I am not expecting it to fully work until then. I just wanted to put it out there so everyone doing something similar (or the same thing) has a place to look at all of the configuration and wiring to get this feature to work as it should in the future.

Thanks and good luck to everyone out there!
PS bob there is no rush, the SuperPID still lets me manually operate the RPM.

SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / One Direction?
« on: February 22, 2015, 08:41:56 PM »
So I have updated Mach 4 to build 2230 and have PMDX Smart BOB software/driver version 17.86. with that out of the way, I am running Windows 7 Ultimate and everything is up to date. at this moment, whenever I jog in the + or - direction, the machine will continue to run in the + direction even when running code. the DRO's in Mach 4 will show that it is moving in the + or - direction but alas, the machine does not want to obey that command.... Any help is greatly appreciated.


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