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Topics - RGUERI1

Pages: [1]
I decided to start a new topic on this, since I wasn't getting much response on replying to older ones. To recap:
My system is an ASUS I7 64Bit Laptop
                       PMDX-424 Smart Bob with .254 plugin
                       Mach4 with 8405 Dev build (also tried the latest dev 8704 I think?)
                       Shuttle Pro plugin
The following is a summary of my latest issue. I gave up on using the "Probe and Touch-off" modules in MACH4 and I am down to manually inputting the G31 commands via the MDI. I have also tried speeding up the Probe feedrate and lowering it.
I also noticed that when I updated to build 3805 or higher, the "Reference all Axis-HOME" button no longer works. I don't get an error but, no axis move and it goes directly to the "referencing complete" window. I'm not sure if this is part of the problem or another issue. Just thought I would mention it, in case it may give any hint as to the issue.
Also my machine works flawlessly, and has been for a couple years, when just running small and large files without attempting a probe command. However, I have a big project that requires me to engrave an uneven/wavy surface and I need to create a probe surface map, so that my Z-axis will adjust with the up and downs of the piece being engraved.
Below is the post I put on the MACH4 forum, with the details of the issue.
The whole thread is posted here:,37603.msg260331.html#msg260331

Just to update, I have installed the MACH4 3805 build, as requested on the MACH4 forum and have mostly eliminated the "transition from Running to stop" error. However, I am consistently getting the "Motion Underrun Error(7)" now. Below are the details:

Been away from my machine for a while. I've updated to the 3805 build, as well as the latest dev build, and now I'm getting an "Error(7) Motion Underrun." I have tried to reinstall profiles, adjust millisleep setting, manually perform G31 through the MDI, changed computers and adjusted buffer settings in the PMDX-424 performance config tab, all to no avail.
Currently I get the error consistently on the 3rd-4th probe. I am also using the modified M40 and M41 scripts for parameter logging.
This is getting very frustrating and I seem to have hit a dead end.
Has anyone had success in creating a probe level map file? I have also tried the auto generated probe file from "G-code ripper", "Autoleveller AE" and "Autoleveller AL." I have even manually typed the G31 commands in, through the MDI.
I am currently at a loss. Any help would be appreciated.

I am having issues with setting up Probing in Mach4, I have a PMDX-424 and Mach4 with latest build 3804.
I think that I corrected the  "Can't transition from MDI running to stop" issue by adjusting the wx.milliSleep value to 70. However, now when I start the function, the machine completes a touch, retract, set tool1 offset and then a LUA error. (see below)
Any thoughts?

Mach4 History readout:

Z axis is performing a touch move.
Z axis is moving to a requested machine position.
Tool 1 Height Offset Set: -19.7255
Lua: Error while running chunk C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:1178: attempt to compare nil with number stack traceback: C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:1178: in function 'frameMainOnUpdateUI'
       C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:912: in function <C:\Mach4Hobby/Modules/mcTouchOff.lua:911>

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