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Topics - JW

Pages: [1]
I'm receiving an error when attempting probing calibration -  "PMDX: No synchronized position from motion planner"

Mach - build 4300
PMDX - 0.53.263
PMDX 422
Windows 10, 64-bit, i5-8400

The error asserts following the first probing hit during the offset calibration. I have tried a number of probing setting combinations to include overshoot, tolerance, probing speeds, etc. I have been using the 422 for a number of years and this is my first attempt at probing. I updated the mach build and PMDX firmware recently in an attempt to remove the probing error.

Thanks, Jim


I have been using the 422 with mach4 for a few months now. It has been running well except for a problem with the spindle speed control (407) a few months back (earlier post). I am now having a problem when I run G code. The G code will begin to run and then freeze in seemingly random places. At this point, I am unable to stop the run or to disable (mach4 not responding with a corresponding unable to disable-communication error in the history).

I have tried with two different mach4 builds with two different pmdx vers (2236,2238 and 0.17.86,0.25.111) with same results. I have tried two different G code loads (both which I've run error free multiple times with this same setup before). I have tried with two different computers (both running the same version of mach).

Jogging of the three axis is still working fine. Of note, when I run the G code with the stepper drivers depowered the g code seems to run through ok.


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / PMDX 407 AOut voltage
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:14:14 AM »
I am running a 407 with a Hitachi NE-S1 VFD. (The mach4 build is 2238 with the 0.17.86 plugin)
The fwd/rev signal is through the 422 relay. The speed control and directional control to the VFD are both working. However, the motor will continue to spin at a very low RPM (.4V Aout voltage) when I try to stop the spindle in mach4 (M5 is commanded)(I'm not using a signal from the 422 to the VFD for stop) . At this point, the PWM led appears to be out but the RUN led is still bright. Aref appears to be 11.5V and the VFD is set up for a 0-10V input signal. As of now, the RUN led remains on whenever the 422/407 is powered (with or without ref voltage, mach launched or closed)? I found a start/end freq setting adjustment function (for external analog input) for O/OI on the VFD side. Is there anything I should be looking for on the mach/PMDX side?


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