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Topics - mhackney

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I'm finally commissioning my CNC router with Mach 4. I'm running Mach 4version on Windows 10 version 1709 64bit with a Gecko G540 controller. I had been using this system with Mach 3 and a parallel port on a PC with no problems. I migrated my config over to Mach 4 and that went smoothly. When I first installed the 411 back in Nov, I did some homing, jogging and air cutting and all was well. I had not hooked up the SuperPID 2 controller yet so I didn't use the machine. Now I'm getting the SuperPID working - that was straightforward - but my 411 is constantly disconnecting with this error:

PMDX: Could not disable the PMDX-SmartBOB, error 'Cannot communicate with device'

When this happens, I'm hosed and have to shutdown and relaunch Mach to recover. At which time I can re-home, maybe jog a bit and then it fails with this error again.

I've tried googling this error and looked on the forum but haven't found anything helpful

I got my PMDX-411 and coupon for Mach 4. I followed instructions precisely to install on a Windows 10 laptop I have laying around and not used for a few months. After installing and licensing Mach (verified it is licensed) I quit and then installed the PMDX driver, plugged in the 411 and then started Mach and selected the sample PDMX-411 profile. Mach showed that the 411 was selected under Show Motion Device. All seemed well and went remarkably easy. And that's where it all went south.

In the background of doing all of this, Windows 10 was downloading a lot of system update files and asked to install them. I quit Mach and allowed the updates to occur. Now I have these problems:

when I launch Mach I get a slew of Error dialogs:

failed to load shared library mcKeyboard.m4pw
failed to load shared library mcLua.m4pw
failed to load shared library mcModbus.m4pw
failed to load shared library mcRefile.m4pw
failed to load shared library mcSerieal.m4pw
failed to load shared library PMDX-SmartBOB-USB.m4pw
failed to load shared library ShuttlePro.m4pw
failed to load shared library Sim.m3pw

Mach then loads but I don't have the PMDX motion control device. I attempted to re-install the PMDX driver by unplugging it first, updating, plugging in and then running Mach 4 with the same errors above.

I bet I'm not the only one this has happened to but I can't find info on how to recover. Any pointers greatly appreciated.

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