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Topics - bobmagnuson

Pages: [1]
I'm trying to use a PMDX-108-Input to gather the signals from a Colombo ATC spindle.  The 108 board is powered via a ribbon cable from my ESS.

Currently I'm using J2 on the 108 board for my probe and it works perfectly.  And J3 will be used for a pneumatic pressure sensor (24vdc).

There are 5 outputs from the spindle, each returning 24vdc when activated.

I tried a couple ways to power the 24vdc sensors on the spindle. 

The first way is to power it via a shared 24vdc power supply.  0vdc is connected to <J4 and J4 is the sensor wire from the spindle that carries the signal for a push button tool change (24vdc when the button is pushed).  J4 LED is lit at all times.  When connecting other sensors to J5 - J8, they are all "ON" regardless of sensor state.

The second way is to power the sensors with a completely independent 24vdc power supply.  I connect 0vdc from the PS to <J4 and J4 is the sensor wire from the push button tool change.  When I push the button, the LED is lit!!!!  Success!!!

However, when I connect 0vdc to <J5 - <J8 and the the other sensors to J5 - J8, J4 - J8 LED's are lit.

I cannot seem to get J4 - J8 to act independently.

Any suggestions on how to use the PMDX-108-Input to do what I'd like it to do?

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