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Topics - andy_con

Pages: [1]
I need to reverse the spindle motor. CNC is wired to have 1 relay to start spindle and another relay to reverse the spindle.

M3 needs one relay to be on

M4 needs both relays to be on.

i need a way to turn on both relays from Mach3 using a Macro for M3/M4


so my cnc runs mach3 and it uses the pmdx-126 board.

I have a tormach passive probe, which when hard wired in works perfectly from j15 and gnd on the pmdx.

ive had a very helpful chap make an IR sender and receive for me in an attempt to turn the wired probe into a wireless probe, but were having problems with mach3 and the IR receiver working correctly.

when the probe is hard wired in, all you do is shorty j15 to gnd

we are now switching 5v on and off to j15

are there settings in mach3 or the PMDX I can adjust to get my setup to work?

or do you have to switch j15 to gnd?

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