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Topics - gstevens

Pages: [1]
Hello, I have a 424 smart board attached to a 133 motherboard with g201x gecko drivers, and I've managed to get everything set up and running fine when I'm jogging the motors in Mach 4. The problem is as soon as I start to run something with G Code, I get this strange pulsing and the motors only move a fraction of what they are supposed to, and the pulsing won't stop until I cut the power to the 133. I tried reducing the speed and velocity of the motors, but no luck. Any thoughts what it might be?

I just got my whole system set up with a 424 smart board attached to a 133 motherboard with g201x gecko drivers connected to three motors (sst43d2121 if that makes a difference). I also have a 407 spindle controller connected to my spindle. I got Mach 4 and all the drivers installed, when I start it up everything thing show that it connects correctly but I can't get any of the motors or the spindle to turn. I've gone through all the settings, several don't make sense to me. Can anyone help with my initial setup? Thanks in advanced.

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