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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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This error message appears when the device thinks that its EStop input is active.  There are a few things to check:

(1) Make sure the jumper on J14 is on the two pins closest to the corner of the board (and not on the pin closest to the "J14" silkscreen).

(2) Make sure there is nothing connected to J14 pin 1 (the terminal closest to the "J14" silkscreen and labeled "Fault").

(3) When installing the jumper, first make sure the screw terminals are fully open (turn the screwdriver counter-clockwise when looking down from above the board).  This sounds trivial, but the screw terminals are "rising elevator" type, and only make reliable connections when the clamp is raised up onto the wire by turning the screwdriver clockwise when looking down from above the board.

(4) Look at the two right-angle LEDs on the PMDX-424, specifically the red (top) one.  If the EStop input is active (i.e. the EStop terminal not tied to its GND, or the Fault input IS tied to its GND) the red LED will remain lit always.  If the EStop is NOT active, the red LED will turn off when the plug-in establishes communication with the device.

(5) In Mach4, go to the "Diagnostics" menu and select our device.  Then click on the "Real time display" button (you can then close the diagnostics dialog and leave the real-time display running.  Look at the EStop indicator on the real-time display.  If it is a bright red, then the device thinks its EStop input is active.

(6) Do you have anything connected to the "Fault" terminal on J14?

(7) Do you have anything connected to either of the two 26-pin ribbon headers on the PMDX-424?

(8) Try removing all connections to the PMDX-424 except for power and the EStop jumper (you can simply un-plug the screw terminal connectors).  Do you still have this problem?


Pictures of the PMDX-424 show J4 and J5 terminals, located immediately behind the board mounted reset pushbutton.  I was hoping these were pin-outs that involved the reset button and would allow me to wire something externally - like the reset button on the PMDX-179-PAN.
Where did you see these pictures?


The push-button on the PMDX-424 is not a reset button, at least in the current firmware.  Right now its sole purpose is to force the PMDX-424 to run its bootloader instead of the main firmware.  And to do so, you need to press and hold the push-button while you power-on the PMDX-424.

Future firmware versions *may* allow the PMDX-179's test button input to perform the same function and the PMDx-424's push button.  Or different, Mach4 related functions.


Do you mean the large green button on the PMDX-179-PAN (with the panel)?  That was originally meant to be wired into the 2-pin screw terminal on the PMDX-179 when the PMDX-179 was connected to a PMDX-126.  In this configuration the "Reset" button (or "Test" push--button on the 179 board itself) performs the same functions as the "Test" button on the 126.  For example it causes the 126 to re-read the DIP switches, and also clear errors when charge pump is disabled.

When the PMDX-179 is connected to a PMDX-424, the "Test" button input on the PMDX-179 is not currently used*.  There is no PMDX-424 equivalent of the 126 "charge pump disabled" mode, and there are no configuration DIP switches on the PMDX-424 to read.  You may, however, wire the "Reset" button directly to the PMDX-424.  You could then program Mach4 to read that as "feed hold" or some other function.

* future plug-in/firmware releases *may* add uses for the switch input (and DIP switches) on the PMDX-179.


The PMDX-424 is a good upgrade for your system.  It will interface to your existing G320 drivers (set the "step/dir common" to +5V in our plug-in config, see the PMDX-424 Quick Start guide page 7).  Unlike the Sound Logic board, there are not dedicated input terminals for X/Y/Z home.  These can be connected to any of inputs on the PMDX-424.  There is one relay on the PMDX-424, and you can add the PMDX-407 if you want to control spindle speed from Mach4.

Do you have the G320's ERR/RESET signals connected to anything besides +5V?

If so, the PMDX-424 does not (yet) directly support this function.  It is possible to connect the ERR/RESET terminals to one of the *isolated* inputs on the PMDX-424, and then using some Lua scripting code cause that to issue an EStop to Mach4 (we can show you how, if you need this).  However, you will still need an external switch to reset the G230s.  We are considering an add-on board for the PMDX-424 that would interface to the ERR/RESET and allow the error state to issue an EStop directly (no Lua programming necessary) and also allow the PMDX-424 to reset the G320s to take them out of the error state.

If you need the ERR/RESET functionality right now - your best bet would be a PMDX-411 or PMDX-410 along with a PMDX-126.  The PMDX-126 has hardware support for the G320's ERR/RESET signal.

Let us know if you have any more questions.


I downloaded the plug-in on Friday and it looks like the problem is fixed.  I ran the g code file and it ran all the way through and completed.
Great!  Now I just need to finish the release.

I'm still seeing the Y limit switch error during start up but its not an issue as everything seem to be working.
That is annoying, but harmless (this happens only during Mach4 startup, and Mach4 is already disabled).  It is due to the timing of various startup functions in our plug-in and in the Mach4 core.  And that timing varies from PC to PC.  I have some ideas on how to avoid that, but not for this next release.


General Discussion / Re: Getting Script to Run External Cycle Start
« on: May 13, 2016, 04:36:18 PM »
Thank you for sending your profile.  I've posted my response on the MachSupport thread, since there are other replies there and this is more a general Mach4 thing.,32533.msg226301.html#msg226301


Yes, in the upcoming plug-in release which should be out in a day or two.  The PMDX-410/422 rev B or C and the PMDX-424 will support an encoder connected to the "InputA" and "InputB" inputs.  The encoder value can be displayed on a DRO.  It can also be used as an MPG to jog the machine (I realize that is not your intent here).  Additional Lua or screen editing is required to select the jog axis.  If the encoder has an index pulse, it can be used to measure spindle position and RPM.  Spindle RPM from encoders without index pulses will be supported in a future release.


I've sent you a link to your hotmail email address (with the incomplete subject line "PMDX-SmartBOB", need my morning coffee!).  Let me know if this fixes your problem.


Not possible using the glass scale and up/down solenoids.  Not reliably, anyway.  That kind of function belongs somewhere that can handle real-time events.  Windows is not that environment.

The only way to have Mach4 control this is to convert your Z axis to stepper motor control and have Mach4 control it that way.


Found the problem.  I hope to have a new plug-in version soon for you to try out.


I'll look at this when I get the plug-in debug log from this thread:


I know where in the code we generate that error, but I cannot come up with a good explanation as to why it is happening.  So.... Would you please have our plug-in create a debug log.  See our FAQ post on the this SmartBOB-USB section of the forums (, then click on the link for item #4.

Enable the plug-in's debug log as described, then exit Mach4 and re-start it.  Load and run a GCode file that causes this error.  Once you get the error, disable the plug-in's debug log file as described in the FAQ, then create a "profile packet" (also described in the FAQ).  You can either upload the profile package here on the forums, or you can email it to me at bob at this domain.  Please also send me the GCode file that you ran.

BTW - this will also help explain the other issue you posted about ( - getting limit switch messages on startup.


General Discussion / Re: A-Axis Setup in Mach4
« on: May 06, 2016, 01:24:30 AM »

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