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Messages - Techsavvy34

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I was looking at the AN003 Note about controlling machine power and was wondering if the emergency stop switch in the diagram operates at 24v or 120v?  I'm looking to stop my spindle and stepper motors if the E-Stop is hit.  I'm controlling my spindle with a VFD and my stepper motors are powered by a 48v power supply.  Would I cut power to both of these if an E-Stop is hit?  What kind of contactor is needed to wire my machine like the diagram in AN003?  Also if the E-Stop is hit in Mach3 does it cut power to what ever is hooked up to the contactor?

Thanks Steve.  I know all about the advanced parameters I was just making sure I was using the right connections.
Also in the pdf you mentioned,  it say's that their is a mach3 xml file that can be downloaded but I can't find it.  The file is called
PMDX_3Axis_pp_02.xml.  Can this file still be downloaded?  The pdf also mentions a AN006: Connecting limiot switches and home switches to pmdx boards
but I can't seem to find this either.

Thanks for all your help with everything Steve.

I was wondering if somebody could help me with wiring the pmdx-107 to my lenze vfd.  I will be using mach3 and want to be able to control the speed from mach3 and gcode.  I also want to be able to start/stop the spindle with mach3 and M3/M4.  I'm also wondering if it's a good idea to wire forward and reverse or just forward for the spindle.  Here's the vfd's manual so you guys can look at the settings/connections.

Page 21 of the manual shows the terminal strip connections on the vfd.  Page 26, 30 show the input parameters for the vfd.  Thanks for your help.

I noticed that the PMDX-422 can be hooked up to the PMDX-126 in expanded mode.  If I connect these two boards will I still be able to use Mach4?  I know I can use 10 inputs from the pmdx-126 but what about the relay outputs on the pmdx-126.  I need one 120v relay that can be controlled by mach for my coolant.  Can the relay on the PMDX-422 be controlled by gcode commands?  It would be awesome if you provided a application note for using these two boards together.   Thanks Luke

Can both of these boards connect to dc motor controllers?  Also what are the main differences between the two.  I know the PMDX-107 is made to be mounted on specific bob's.
Can the PMDX-107 or PMDX-106 be controlled by step & direction signals?  Does the PMDX-107 have the same capabilites as the PMDX-106?

Will a 12vdc power supply work or does it have to be 10vdc?

SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / PMDX-407 Power and Specs
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:22:00 PM »
Will the PMDX-407 draw power from PMDX-422 or will a seperate power source be required?  Also will the PMDX-407 plug directly into the 26 pin ribbon header on the pmdx-422 or will it connect to it through a cable?
Do you know what the dimensions of the PMDX-407 are going to be?  Thanks.  I can't wait for it to be released.  I check the website everyday to see if it's for sale.  Do you have any pictures of the unit that you would be willing to share?

Do you have a time frame when the PMDX-407 will be released?  Also if I purchase the pmdx-422 now will it support PWM Spindle speed control in the future through a firmware upgrade?

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