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Messages - WallClimber

Pages: 1 [2]
Hi there,

Just got my PMDX-422 board installed and up and running.  I can jog my 3 axis and have connected two proximity sensors (NPN) to pin 13 for homing my X axis and Y axis.  I see the input working on the diagnostics screen for X Home and Y Home.

When I click the Ref All Home button I get the following message and the machine automatically disables:

"Error 7 (Communication error) queuing HOME pkt for axis 'X' motor 'Slave 1' (id 3), aborting HOME cmd"

My setup is as follows:

Win 7 64bit
Mach4 version Licensed
PMDX-422 plugin version 0.33.159
PMDX-422 bootloader version 1.8.64
PMDX-422 firmware version 0.42.137

I have two motors on my X axis, motor 0 and motor 3.  I have set them up as motor 3 slaved.  This works as I am able to job around.
Other than trying to get this working I haven't set up any other things like limit switches yet so I am unsure whether this issue is limited to the homing command.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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