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Messages - Jawno

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Yes the DRO changed on the mach4 screen. Not sure what the configuration settings are for the SmartBob. I'll have to check that next time I goto the shop (tomorrow). I am using geckodrives. G203 or 204, I forget which. I have three wires to each drive from the SmartBob, step and dir and ?.
I was wondering if I need to tell Mach4 something about my motors. Like step size, baud rate or something like that. If this is in the configuration settings then I'll look tomorrow. I know I left all the settings alone on the screens that say don't change these unless PMDX tells you to.
The Lua error never said what file so it may have nothing to do with the problem. I haven't wired up the limit switches or E-stop yet. figured I should try to get some movement first.

I'm a newb at this. I finally got the computer to recognize my SmartBob-424 card. It seems I've fixed the invalid or unknown device error. I have the STMelectronics port showing in Device Manager with no exclamation points. I tried to get the machine to do something today. My computer is a Win 7, 8 GB ram, 64 bit system. I tried putting in some code in MDI. A simple program, just G1Y1. The movement was made in Mach4 on my screen but no movement on the machine. When I started Mach4 I got a message in the History window that said Lua:Error occurred while opening file. I went into Diagnostics for the 424 card. When I make a move in Mach 4 the output lights turn green and yellow for the axis that I'm moving but nothing moves. At the bottom of the Diagnostics window under encoder position it says **Disabled** in the first window and Rawln 0x000007ff in the other window. Also I have a new light on the 424 board. I think its an "enable light". Its near a barrel shape capacitor, lower center of the board. I haven't done anything with the emergency stop switch. Could that be holding things up? My board still has the red connector on the E stop that came with the board. I would like to get this working. I feel like its close but no cookies yet. Thanks in advance for any help you could offer me. Not sure what other info to supply. Mach4 build #4162, screen set name wx4, set, PMDX SmartBob-USB Device: PMDX-424(RevD PCB)on COM3, Serial #: SN38024(D1), plugin version: 0.53.263, bootloader version: 1.15.76, firmware version: 0.60.208

Just as an update, I wanted to mention that I contacted PMDX tech support and at this point everything seems to be working normally. It is normal for the red and green lights to not come on until the USB cable is plugged in to the computer, the yellow power on light comes on steady. It seems like once Mach 4 is started and the plug in ran then the machine does recognize the 424 board. I'm continuing on with wiring up the drives etc. Haven't had a lot of time to work on the machine but am slowly making progress. Thank you 12 strings for your suggestion to contact tech support.

I did not install the VCP drivers before first plugging in the board. I did not know I had a driver problem until plugging the USB cable into the computer. I'm pretty sure the red and green lights came on the first time I plugged the 424 board in. I was a bit concerned that it hasn't been doing it since. I will try to contact Tech Support as you suggested. Thank you for your reply.

I checked the computer and it says it has MACH 4 build number 4162. Under SmartBOB-USB serial number it says: Unavailable, no device found. Under PMDX-SmartBOB-USB plug in it has version 0.53.263. Hope this helps.

SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / PMDX-424-USB not recognized
« on: September 11, 2019, 12:35:16 PM »
I tried hooking up my 424 board the other day. At first I didn't have a good connection on the AC lines. I could wiggle the wires and the Power On LED would light intermittently, but I redid the connections and its been steady on ever since whenever I plug the board in.  I don't remember for sure but it seems like when I first plugged in the 424 board the red LED came on and the green was flashing every 2 seconds. I have a Win 7 computer with an I-5 processor and 8 GB of ram and a 64 bit system. Once I got the power on steady, I tried plugging the USB cable into the computer. The computer noted that a new device was plugged in and started to work on installing the drivers. After a few seconds I got the following message:
Device driver software was not successfully installed. In the box below it said:
 STMicroelectronics Com Port (Com3)    ready to use.
 Unidentified Device    Device unplugged.
 STMicroelectronics Virtual ComPort (Com4)    Failed.
Checking the troubleshooting page I copied VCP_V1.3.1_Setup_X64.exe onto a thumb drive and put it on the Mach 4 computer (it not longer has internet access, as its in the shop). I ran the program and as instructed, chose "remove" then once it had finished I re-ran it and it said it had installed the drivers successfully and prompted me to click finish. It never ran the second installer as the instructions indicated it should. Also when I went into Device Manager and checked Ports and Com it didn't show any new ports, just (COM1). But it said the drivers had been successfully installed so I tried starting MACH 4. It prompted me to choose a profile. When I chose one, it came back with the following message:
PMDX-SmartBOB-USB Plugin Init
    ERROR: Port auto scan did not find a valid PMDX-SmartBOB-USB device
So then I went through the whole process again, unplugging everything, removing the drivers and reinstalling. One thing I noticed is now it seems like when I plug in the AC, only the power on LED is lit. Its not until I plug in the USB cable to the computer that the red LED comes on and the green LED starts flashing. Anyway I tried removing and reinstalling the drivers. Again it never tried to install a second set of drivers as the FAQ said it should. It came back with the following message:
Drivers were successfully installed on your computer
  STMicroelectronics(usbser) Ports (04/25/ZOID 1.3.1)
  Status     ready to use
And the wizard prompted me to click finish. Looking in Device Manager/Ports it only showed the (Com Port 1) again. I tried starting MACH 4 and was prompted to choose a profile. I chose the one named myprofile and got the following message:
Select motion control device
  changing the motion control device will destroy any axis to motor mapping
It didn't list any motion control devices in the box to select.
So I redid everything and this time when prompted to choose a profile I chose pmdx424Sample and got the following message:
PMDX-SmartBOB-USB Plug in
    ERROR: Port auto scan did not find a valid PMDX-SmartBOB-USB Device
The FAQ indicated that if I couldn't get the drivers installed after trying the VCP setup program that I should contact PMDX for support. I could use some help with this problem. Not sure what else to try at this point. I noticed some other programs listed with the VCP setup program but didn't want to mess with them without knowing what they were. My apologies for the long message. Also I'll have to check on MACH 4 version numbers and PMDX-424 board numbers.

Thank you 12 strings for the reply.

Wondering what size limit switches I should buy. Most of them I've been looking at are rated at 15A, 125-250 volts. That seems way too large to me but I'm just a beginner. Is that a maximum? Any info would be appreciated. I bought some on ebay but when they came they were so small I couldn't find screws to mount them. I'd like something that uses about a 6-32 screw or something similar for mounting. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Should I have my motors and drivers wired up to the PMDX-424 before I power it up the first time and before installing the USB cable? Can I power it up and plug in the cable with no wires connected and then connect them later?

The manual states that my board can be operated from a Universal AC Mains input of 110-240 VAC. Does this mean I can just wire up a plug to J19 and plug it into the wall? It seems to say this but I don't want to fry my board before I even get it working. Thanks in advance for any help.

General Discussion / limit switches
« on: January 21, 2019, 08:13:00 PM »
Did PMDX quit selling limit switches? I'd swear I saw some on this site before Xmas. I wanted to wait a while to order as I was out of town. Now I can't find any available.

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