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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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General Discussion / Re: Smithy 1240 Linux to Mach3
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:21:32 PM »
I'm going to jump in here for a second.  If you have a volt meter or DMM, command the spindle to 4000 RPM (presuming you are using spindle pulley #1).  Then measure the voltage between connector J2 pin 5 (VFD control voltage) and J2 pin 6 (analog ground).  Pin 6 is the furthest away from the "J2" designator on the silkscreen, and just above the "S" in "Spindle Motor Drive".

Best would be to make 2 measurements.  One with the VFD disconnected from J2, and again with the VFD connected (and powered on).  Ideally you should measure something very close to 10 volts DC.

WARNING: If you measure this while these signals are connected to the VFD, the "analog ground" on pin 6 will be floating relative to chassis/safety ground and MAY BE AT THE LINE VOLTAGE!  Do not touch the traces or connector pins with your hands or fingers.  Use only insulated meter probes.

Glad to hear you got it working.  Nope, there nothing but traces (copper) between the USB jack and the header.  It is possible there is a marginal solder joint.  Even though we visually inspect every board, we are human and occasionally miss something.  If you are happy with your current setup, good.  If not, and if you want to send the board back to us for repair, we'll take a look and see what we can see.


Glad to hear it is working.  Now we usually recommend enabling the charge pump feature on the PMDX-126 to help avoid spurious outputs while the PC is starting up or shutting down.  This uses pin 17 on the parallel port, so if you are using pin 17 for something else you cannot enable charge pump mode.

If you wish to to do this, here are the steps:
- Change the PMDX-126 DIP switch "Config 1" to "open" (away from the silkscreen text)
- Press and release the test button
- The PMDX-126 "Outputs Enabled" LED should remain off
- If you are using Mach3, go to the Configure menu and select "ports & pins". Click on the "Output Signals" tab and scroll down to "Charge Pump".  Put a green check mark in the "enabled" column, then assign it to port 1 pin 17.  Click "Apply" then "OK"
- If you are using a SmoothStepper or other pulse generator instead of a PC parallel port, refer to the documentation for that device to see how to enable the charge pump.
- If you are using Mach4 with one of our PMDX-SmartBOB devices, the procedure is very similar to Mach3 except you go to the "Configure" menu and select "Mach".  From there it is the same as Mach3.

Now, the PMDX-126 "Outputs Enabled" LED should remain off until you enable Mach3 (the "Reset" button is not flashing) or Mach4 (the "Enable/Disable" button is green), at which point the "Outputs Enabled" LED should turn on.


The Mach4Hobby plugin for the SmartBOB-USB family of controllers has been updated to version 0.33.159, released 6 November 2015.  This plug-in tested with Mach4 builds 2313 through 2763 and should work with later builds unless the API is changed.

** PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTES !!  They contain important information about using these new features and bug fixes.

New features since Version 0.31.147:
  • The real-time status display shows the PWM signal if assigned to the SmartBOB Pin16 or Pin17. Does not show the PWM signal when using a PMDX-407. The real-time display now also shows the values of the step and direction pins.
  • Enhanced the debug log capability to include information from the SmartBOB device.
  • Enhanced USB communication error recovery.
  • Closes debug log files before Mach4 creates its "package" (from the Help->Support menu) and then re-opens them afterwards. This allows the log files to be included in the package even if they were open.

Bug fixes since version 0.31.147:
  • Fixed a bug in the PMDX-411 firmware that prevented the spindle PWM signal from appearing on Pin16.
  • Fixed a bug that re-mapped the charge pump signal to Pin17 if it was mapped to any other SmartBOB output pin.
  • Fixed issue with motion planner interface that mis-reported the actual position for certain moves. The result was that the ending position for subsequent moves would be off by a couple of step pulses. This happened when the motor tuning parameters had a slow max velocity and a slow acceleration/deceleration rate.
  • Fixed a bug that required exiting Mach4 and re-starting it in order to disable "Wildhorse Probe" mode or "Expanded Inputs" mode.
  • No longer overwrite fixture offset table when homing an axis.
  • Fix memory access error in USB interface.
  • Fix memory access error in configuration dialog.

Full details HERE:

This updated plug-in can be downloaded HERE:

SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / Re: Setting up spindle PWM
« on: November 07, 2015, 01:27:41 AM »
To close this thread - there is a bug in the PMDX-411 firmware that prevents the spindle PWM signal from being output no pin 16.  This is fixed in the new plug-in release which has just been posted here:


A few thoughts here.

(1) It is possible to have relay K2 controlled by the PMDX-126's "outputs enabled" signal, which is derived from the charge pump signal from the PMDX-411.  To do so, set JP2 to "multimode" and DIP Switch 8 to "open".  See table 4 on page 11 of the PMDX-126 User's Manual for details.  That will leave relay K1 (riven by Pin 1) available is you need it for something else.

(2) Is there a reason you cannot combine the Z plus and Z minus limit switches on a single input on the PMDX-126 board (pin 13) with the Z Home on pin 15?  Or even the Z plun, minus and home, like the other axis?  Either of these configurations would allow you to run the PMDX-126 in "normal" mode instead of "Expanded Inputs" mode.  Unless you are also using a probe input on pin 15 (which you didn't list as being used).

Steve has been talking to someone about the SmartBOB and expanded inputs mode.  If that is you, then feel free to ignore this post if it contradicts something he's already told you.


Do you have a PMDX-107 installed on the PMDX-126? If so, power off the PMDX-126, remove the PMDX-107 and power the PMDX-126 back on and see if the red EStop LED turns off.  If so, double-check the DIP switch settings on the PMDX-107.

If you don't have a PMDX-107, or you removed it and still have the problem, write down your current PMDX-126 DIP switch settings (and tell us what they were).  Then set all the PMDX-126 DIP switches towards the "Config" labels on the circuit board (this is called "closed" or "on" in the PMDX-126 manual).  Verify that your jumper in connecting the EStop input and the adjacent GND terminal, and not the Fault input.  Remove any parallel port or ribbon cables between the PMDX-126 and the PC (or motion controller board like a SmoothStepper).

Power off the PMDX-126 and then power it back on.  The red EStop LED should turn on briefly and then turn off.  The Outputs Enabled LED should be on.  Press and hold the "test" push button.  The red EStop LED should turn on.  Release the "test" button and the EStop LED should turn off again.

If you see this, then try change the "Config 1" DIP switch so that it is away from the "Config" label on the circuit board (called "open" or "off" in the PMDX-126 manual).  Press and hold the "test" button for about 1/2 second and then release it.  The EStop LED should turn on while the button is pressed and then turn off when the button is released.  The outputs enabled LED should remain off.


I'm not that familiar with the new ESS plug-in and configuration screens.  Somewhere in the ESS configuration should be a place where you define the spindle PWM frequency.  Make sure that is set to some value that will work with the PMDX-107 (25 or 50 Hz are typical values).

Here is how to use the LEDs on the PMDX-126 to help diagnose the problems.  Connector J6 on the PMDX-126 has the parallel port #1 pin 14 and 16 output signals (in addition to having them routed to the PMDX-107).  There are LEDs next to each screw terminal.

- In Mach, turn on the spindle in the forward direction and set the spindle speed to 5000 RPM.  Look for messages in the Mach status line to make sure there are no errors (you may have to open the history to see if a message has scrolled off the 1-line display).
- Look at the LED on the PMDX-126 for pin 16.  It should be on but a bit dim.  If the PWM frequency is 25 Hz you may even see the LED flicker.
- The LED for pin 14 should be off.
- Change the spindle speed to 24000 RPM.
- Look at the LED for pin 16 again.  It should be bright (much brighter than before).
- In Mach turn the spindle on in the reverse direction.
- The LED for pin 14 should no be on.

If you don't see the LEDs behaving like this, then something in Mach or the ESS is not configured properly.


This is a mismatch between the step/dir pins in Mach3 and to motor connections to PMDX-134/Geckos.  It sounds like you configured the step/dir pins according to the PMDX-134 manual, with "X" on pins 2&3, "Y" on 4&5, etc.  It also sounds like the actual wiring on your machine is "Y" on pins 2&3 ("Axis #1" on the PMDX-134), "A" (Y axis slave) on pins 4&5 ("Axis #2" on the PMDX-134), and the "X" axis on pins 6&7 ("Axis #3" on the PMDX-134).  Confusing, no?

So... Go into the Mach3 Config->Ports&Pins, then click on the Motors tab and configure like this:
X - step on pin 7, dir on pin 6
Y - step on pin 3, dir on pin 2
Z - step on pin 9, dir on pin 8 (do you use the Z axis??, if not leave this line disabled)
A - step on pin 5, dir on pin 4
Click on "Apply" then "OK".

Then go to the Config->Slave Axis, and in the "Y" axis section select "A" as the slave axis.  Click on "OK", then exit Mach3 and re-start it and you should be good to go.


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / Re: Setting up spindle PWM
« on: November 04, 2015, 03:00:59 AM »
I've taken a quick look at your Mach4 profile and I don't see anything that should prevent the spindle PWM from working on pin 16.  I did see that you have the charge pump set to "on always", which is not a usual setting except when connected to a Geckodrive G540.  But this *should* have no effect on the spindle PWM.

When you looked at the PWM signals with your 'scope and saw it working on pin 14 but not 16, were you looking at I/O the screw terminals on the Xylotex board?  And was the Digispeed wired to pin 16 at the time (and not wired to pin 14)?

If you haven't already, try testing with just the PMDX-411 and the Xylotex board, with the Digispeed not wired to the Xylotex board.  Then see if you get any output on pin 16.  If you get PWM here but not with the Digispeed connected, then the Digispeed may be loading down the PWM output signal.

As two last resorts, unplug the PMDX-411 from the Xylotex board and see if you can look at pin 16 directly on the PMDX-411's DB25 connector (you can ground the scope to a good ground on the PC).  If you see the PWM on pin 16 here but not when connected to the Xylotex, it is possible that the ribbon cable is faulty, or that there may be a faulty trace on the Xylotex board (not likely as you said this worked with Mach3 and a standard parallel port.


Found the problem.  Look for a new plug-in release probably/hopefully tomorrow (Nov 4th).

Thank you for posting the steps to reproduce this.  Despite my response in your other thread, I have indeed replicated this problem.  Now I gotta go figure out why.  Stay tuned.


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / Re: Setting up spindle PWM
« on: November 02, 2015, 05:05:40 PM »
I cannot explain why the charge pump configuration is changing pin numbers.  Our plug-in can change the charge pump mapping, but it only does so with the "PMDX-126 Expanded Inputs" mode is selected, and even then the plug-in will pop up a window warning you that it is about to change something.

Are you seeing the Digispeed board do the "red fast flash" to indicate that it is seeing the PWM signal?

The Digispeed manual that I found says that the PWM input is "active low".  So go into our plug-in configuration and click on the "Spindle Config" tab and make sure that the polarity is set to active low.

If you have a volt meter or DMM, you can measure the voltage on the Digispeed's input terminals (in the manual I found it looks like the "Sig" and "Gnd" terminals on J1).  Issue an "s10000" and "m3" command.  You should read a voltage close to 0V.  Issue an "s5000" command and you should see approx 2.5V.

If you are still having trouble getting this to work, you can send me a Mach4 "package" and I'll look at your configuration and see if I can see anything there.  Go to the Mach4 Help->Support->Package Current Profile".  Then email me the resulting file to bob at this domain.


Since you are seeing the pin 3 and pin 1 outputs changing from approx 0V to approx 5V, that implies that the C30's outputs are enabled.  That is good to know.  And for now I'll presume that the step signals are also being output from the C30.

I see in the Mach4 configuration that "Enable #1" has a green check mark and no device/pin assignments, not "Output #1'.  But no matter, if there is no device assigned to a signal it doesn't matter of it is enabled or not - it is ignored.

Just for kicks, go into our plug-in configuration, click on the "Motor Config" tab and select "step on pins 3,5,7,9".  See if that changes anything.  Yeah, I know you have it wired the other way.  But if I can't find a logical explanation, I try the illogical.  If this doesn't change the behavior, set it back to step on pins 2,4,6 and 8.

And going further out in left field - double check your wiring from the KL4030 to the motors.  Make sure the A+ and A- go to one phase and B+ and B- to the other.  You can use an ohm meter to verify the motor phases (low resistance between 2 wires means they are the same phase, high resistance means different phases.  Do you have "holding torque" on your motors?  With everything powered on, can you turn the motor shaft by hand?


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / Re: Setting up spindle PWM
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:53:05 PM »
The black on the real time display just means that the real time display does not (yet) support displaying that signal.  We can generate it, just not display its real time state.  Our next plug-in release will show the PWM signal (and step/dir signals) on the real time display.

Go to the Mach4 "Configure" menu and select "Mach...".  Then click on the "Spindle" tab.  Set the min and max spindle RPM in the row marked "0" (zero, i.e. the top row).  Set the "Max Spindle Motor RPM" - if you have a direct drive from motor to spindle, this will be the same as the max spindle speed entered above.  If there is a gear or pulley system, then this is the actual motor speed when the spindle is at its max (i.e. accounting for the pulley ratio).  Accel and decel times are not used at the moment.  Then make sure that the "Step/Dir Spindle Axis" down at the bottom is set to "none".

That should be all you need to do.  Let me know if you still have problems (and let us know what breakout board and spindle PWM board you are using).


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