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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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I need some advice on how to configure Mach4 to communicate with the 407 analog outputs.

The basic steps are outlines in section 5.2 of the PMDX-407 QuickStart Guide.  However, re-reading it we left out a couple of steps, plus in the latest release of our plug-in the spindle configuration has moved to its own tab in our plug-in configuration dialog.  So here is a revised copy of the steps from section 5.2:

* Start Mach4Hobby with the SmartBOB-USB and PMDX-407 connected.
* From the top menu bar, select "Configure" and then "Plugins..."
* Find the PMDX-SmartBOB-USB and make sure it is enabled, and select its Configure button
* [REVISED] In the PMDX plugin dialog, select the "Spindle Config" tab at the top (or in older versions of the plug-in, the "Feature" tab)
* Select the PMDX-407 in the "PWM Spindle Speed Control" section
* Set the minimum spindle speed as a percentage of maximum. Most spindles will have a
speed below which they have insufficient torque to be usable (risking tool breakage because
the tool stops turning) and below which the motor?s internal fan will not keep the motor cooled
properly.  This is a number from 0 to 100, and is usually in the range of 0 to 25.
* If you do not have a spindle speed sensor, you will likely find it handy to enable the ?Report
calculated spindle speed to Mach4 as actual spindle speed? so that the on-screen readout (if
provided) indicates approximate spindle speed.
* Click ?OK? at the bottom of the two dialog boxes to close them.

New steps:
* Go to the "Configure" menu and select "Mach".
* Click on the "Spindle" tab
* In the first row (labeled "0" - zero), fill in the minimum and maximum spindle speed.  Note that even though Mach4 supports 20 different spindle ranges, by default it uses range #0.  It requires custom-written Lua code and/or a custom screen set to select a different spindle range.
* Optionally, you may fill in the spindle accel and decel times.
* Leave the feedback ratio at 1, this is only used when there is a sensor on the spindle to determine actual spindle speed and the SmartBOB does not yet support this feature.
* Set the "Max Spindle Motor RPM" to the max RPM that you want your spindle motor to turn.  This should reflect any pulley ratios between your motor and the actual spindle quill.  So this is the motor RPM when your spindle is at the speed that you entered in the "MaxRPM" field.
* Leave the "Step/Dir Spindle Axis" set to "None"
* Leave the "Enable Step/Dir Spindle Rigid Tapping" un-checked.
* Click on OK

You now should be able to enter a desired spindle speed using an "S" command and then  start the spindle either with an "M3" command or by clicking on the "Spindle CW" button and see an analog voltage on the PMDX-407's outputs.


Actually, we've tested this release with Mach4 builds up through 2686.  I will also edit the previous post to reflect that.

The diagram you sent previously (on June 29th) with the change that I suggested on July 2nd (moving the 120VAC to the PMDX-107's "Fwd/Run" terminal) should make this happen.

If you need help configuring Mach3 to use the PMDX-107, see our application note AN002 (PWM Spindle Speed with Mach3, SmoothStepper, PMDX-125 or PMDX-126 and PMDX-106 or PMDX-107) here:

If you have any other questions, let us know.


SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / Re: Slave axis homing
« on: September 15, 2015, 03:20:17 PM »
We are working on this, though it won't be in the next release (which will be available "real soon now").  In my best optimistic estimate, it is at least a few weeks away.


Pully ratios appear to have no effect on my actual spindle speed. Can't get my spindle to run
at anything less than 3600 rpm. The previous controller that I replaced with the PMDX-126 &
107, ESS & Mach3 would start the spindle much lower. 100 rpm as an example. The spindle
motor itself says it's capable of 24,000 RPM MAX, but think it only really goes to 18,000 RPM.

 Is there a setting in the PMDX, ESS or Mach3 where I can adjust the minimum RPM to lower
than 3600 RPM? Tried everything I can see in all the settings all over Mach3. Won't budge any
lower than 3600 RPM. Maybe I am missing something.

Have you tried the PMDX-107 test mode and verified that it can cause your spindle to run at full speed and approx 30% of full speed?  I know we went though this early on in this thread, but that was when there were other issues with the spindle setup.  I would like to re-verify how the spindle responds to the 107 in test mode.

To enter test mode, press and hold the push-button on the PMDX-107 for at least 1 second and then release it.  The PMDX-107's status LED will start blinking and the PMDX-107 will output the maximum voltage on the Aref output.  Press the button again and the PMDX-107 will output approx 30% of full scale.  Press the button a 3rd time and the PMDX-107 will exit test mode.  Once in test mode, if you don't press the button again for (I think) 30 seconds, the board will automatically exit test mode.  See the PMDX-107 User's Manual section 2.6 (VSD Speed Calibration)  for more information.

Is the PMDX-107 test mode able to cause your spindle to run at 100% and 30% of full speed (at least approximately)?  Or does the spindle only run at high/max speed even when the PDMX-107 is outputting 30%?  Or some other behavior altogether?  By the way, if you look at the "PWM" LED on the PMDX-107 it will change brightness with the commanded speed.  So during test mode you should see the LED be bright after the 1st button press, then get dimmer after the 2nd button press, and then turn off after the 3rd press.

General Discussion / Re: Mach3 holding E Stop
« on: August 17, 2015, 10:21:15 PM »
Something is funky in the forums database.  If I am NOT logged in, then I cannot view the most-recent hand full of posts on the"My PMDX-126 Thread" under the breakout boards section - the posts shows on [age 3 are the same as on page 1.  When I *AM* logged in, the newer posts show just fine.

Is this what you are experiencing, that you can see the new posts only when you are logged in?  Or can you not see the new posts even then.

Try this link:  Does this show a message from me dated Aug 14, 2015?


The problem is this the same.

The problem is the same... as this?
When I power it up for the first time I flip on the main breaker. This power the 126 card, 24vdc supply and the cooling system. The Estop is set because I have not set my emergency buttons.

 Once all are in the open setting the 134, Gicko's and the relay wired to the Fault get power. The button (to repay) in the box by my spindle is the only thing hooked up to Estop on 126. Now the Estop light goes out and all is good to go.

 Now if at sometime later if I push one of the E buttons the system stops and goes into Estop. This is right. But is I reset the buttons the 126 Estop will not reset until I either turn off power to 126 or close Mach3.

There is still too much missing information (at least to me) in your diagram.  You commented somewhere previously that two of the relays were actually wired in series, but I don't see that in the drawing.  And do you really have 7 EStop switches in your system (3 shown to the left of the main 230VAC, 3 shown to the right of the main 230VAC and one shown on gantry)?

Do you have anything connected to the ERR+ and ERR- terminals on the PMDX-126 (located just above the Fault terminal)?

If you are still having the issue shown above, lets try something different.  Do you have  DC voltmeter?  If so, the next time the PMDX-126 shows EStop (red LED is on and won't turn off when you think it should), measure the voltage between the EStop terminal on the PMDX-126 and the adjacent GND terminal.  Also measure the voltage between the PMDX-126's Fault input and the adjacent GND terminal.

In order for the PMDX-126 to come out of EStop, the EStop terminal must be close to 0V (say less than 0.5V, roughly), *AND* the Fault terminal must *NOT* be close to GND (say, above 3V, roughly - but I need to make some measurements when I get in the office later today).  Also, the voltage from the ERR+ to ERR- terminal must be close to 0V (not referenced to GND, rather ERR+ referenced to ERR-).

Let us know what voltages you measured in these 3 places.  If they are not as described above then we need to figure out what is either pulling the Fault input to GND or NOT pulling the EStop input to GND.


Ok I tested the motor outputs using the dip switch settings on the 126. No motors connected to the board. The direction led lights brightly the step led is dim is this normal.

Yes.  The step pulses are short so the LED will just glow dimly.  This shows that the step/dir signals make it from the electonics on the PMDX-126 to the screw terminals.  The next step, presuming that your problem is with the motors not moving, is to verify that the step/did signals make it from the (I presume) parallel port on the PC through the PMDX-126.  You may or may not be able to see the step pulses on the PMDX-126's LEDs, but you WILL be able to see the dir signals.  Jog an axis one direction and the "dir" LED will either turn on or turn off (depends on the configuration and which direction you jog).  Then jog that axis the other direction and the "dir" LED should change (if it was "on" it should now be "off", or vice versa).

Again, if you can give us a hint at exactly what trouble you are having then I can give you some concrete tests to run, or things to look at.  Otherwise, I'm taking pot shots in the dark.  Please also include how your PC is connected to the PMDX-126 (parallel port, SmoothStepper, PMDX SmartBOB, etc.), and which version of Mach (Mach3, Mach4 or some other software).


The Mach4Hobby plugin for the SmartBOB-USB family of controllers has been updated to version 0.30.136, released 1 August 2015.  This plug-in works with Mach4 builds 2313 through 2580

** PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTES !! They contain important information about using these new features and bug fixes.

New features since Version 0.27.128:

    Added a real-time Input/Output status display to plug-in diagnostics dialog.

    The plug-inc onfiguration and diagnostics screens now include the current screen set name

Bug Fixes Since Version 0.27.128:

    Fixed bug that caused plug-in to report incorrect probe position for G31 commands.

    Changed the algorithm used to find the SmartBOB communications port to avoid issues with some
     Bluetooth modems on Windows 8.1

Full details HERE:

This updated plug-in can be downloaded HERE:

The general answer is "yes', though the more specific answer depends on what exactly you want to test and exactly how your machine is "all screwed up".

There are LEDs on all input and output signals on the PMDX-126.  You can use those to make sure that input signals are making it through the optical isolation electronics (though this doesn't guarantee the signals make it to the parallel port pins).  The LEDs on the outputs will show you if the signal as it appears on the screw terminals is changing when you (or Mach3, etc.) command it to.

There is also a self-test mode where the push-button on the PMDX-126 board can be used to generate step signals on terminal strips J1 to J4.  See the PMDX-126 User's Manual for more information on this feature.

But before you go there, if you can give us some idea of exactly HOW your machine is not functioning, and what you've tried to do so far, we can perhaps outline some steps to try and diagnose and correct the problem.  Please include what software you are using (Mach3, etc.), how you are connecting your PC to the PMDX-126 (parallel port, Smoothstepper, PMDX SmartBOB, etc.).


Normally, signals coming IN to the PC connect to J5 on the PMDX-122.  This gives you 4 input signals - parallel port pins 11, 12, 13 and 15.  If you already have signals attached to all four of these inputs, let us know which signals are connected where and perhaps we can recommend a way to reconfigure them to make room for the touch plate.

The function of the signals on J1, J2, J3 and J4 (parallel port pin 2 through 9) are controlled by jumper JP5 on the PMDX-122.  If you are using ANY of these signals as output signals (i.e. step and direction), then ALL of these signals must be outputs from the PC, with JP5 set to the "out" position (the shorting clip on the center pin and the pin closest to the 26-pin ribbon header).  In this case you cannot connect your touch plate to any signal on J1 through J4.

If you want to use pins 2-9 as inputs to the PC, and (presuming you are using Mach3) you have the PMDX-122 connected "Port #2" in the Config->Ports & Pins dialog, then you can remove the jumper from JP5 (or install it on the center pin sticking out to the side of the jumper so that it only contacts the center pin).  This makes pins 2-9 inputs to the PC.  See the PMDX-122 User's Manual section 3.1.4 for more information.  This also means that none of the pins 2-9 can be outputs to drive step and direction signals to your motor drivers.


As noted in the PMDX-126 User's Manual (granted, not painfully obviously):

WARNING:   If you are using an Ethernet SmoothStepper (ESS), be aware that the PMDX-126 can supply enough power only if the ESS is the only device drawing power from the PMDX-126.  If you plan to use a PMDX-107, PMDX-108-Input or PMDX-108-Output (powered from thePMDX-126), PMDX-104 or PMDX-105, or any other device that draws power from J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 or J7 then the ESS MUST be powered from an external power supply.

Since you have a PMDX-107, you *MUST* power the ESS from an external supply.  Hopefully that will fix this problem.


The signals on J11 are:
Pin 1 (closest to the dual LEDs) - USB cable shield
Pin 2 - USB ground
Pin 3 - D+
Pin 4 - D-
Pin 5 - Bus voltage (i.e. +5V)

Just 'cause I have to mention this, J11 mates rather nicely with our USB "B" Panel connector to header cable here:


The Mach4Hobby plugin for the SmartBOB-USB family of controllers has been updated to version 0.29.128, released 16 July 2015.  This plug-in works with Mach4 builds 2313 through 2522.

** PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTES !! They contain important information about using these new features and bug fixes.

New features since Version 0.26.117:

    Added support for G31 probing (see Probing Features and Restrictions for more information).

    Homing supports the CYCLE STOP button

    If the SmartBOB is selected as the motion device, the plug-in checks the motor and axis configuration and
    reports an error if a motor is disabled and is assigned/mapped to an axis that is enabled.

    Decreased the distance that homing moves the axis onto the home switch before stopping, and increased
    the speed used to move the axis back off of the home switch.

Bug Fixes Since Version 0.26.117:

    Fixed installer bug that failed to detect Mach4 Industrial running during the installation process.

    Add work-around for startup issue in Mach4 that prevented Mach4 from properly interpreting input
    signals from our plug-in on startup.

    No longer report a motor configuration error if the motor is disabled and NOT assigned to an axis.

Full details HERE:

This updated plug-in can be downloaded HERE:

That's tough.  To get analog signals into Mach3 you will need some external device with analog-to-digital capabilities and a plug-in for Mach3, as well as (possibly) some hand-written macros or "Brains" scripts.  Something like the PoKeys** devices (, for example), though I don't know if you can use the PoKeys plug-in without having the PoKeys device be the "motion controller" (instead of the ESS).


** this is not an endorsement of this device, just mentioning it as something that could work.  I have very little direct experience with the PoKeys devices and zero experience with their Mach3 plug-in.

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