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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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First - yes, check the LED for the K2 relay to see if that indicates that the PMDX-126 board is seeing port 1 pin 14 behaving as you expect.

The first thing that comes to mind is that you *might* have two signals trying to drive port 1 pin 14.  The standard Mach3 configuration when using the PMDX-107 is to have port 1 pin 14 assigned to the spindle direction signal, and port 1 pin 16 assigned to the spindle "step" signal (actually the PWM signal).  This is the configuration described in our app note "AN002 - PWM Spindle Speed with Mach3, Smoothstepper, PMDX-126 and PMDX-107" (  And then you also have the "Mist" output trying to drive port 1 pin 14.

You have two options:
(1) As you suggested, you can change the JP2 jumper AND DIP Switch "Config8" so that port 2 pin 14 drives the K2 relay (see table 4 on page 11 of the PMDX-126 User's Manual).  Presuming of course that you have the 2nd parallel port connected to the PMDX-126.

(2) If you are not using the spindle direction signal (i.e. your spindle only runs in one direction), you can change the spindle direction signal to pin 0 (zero), or some unused pin on port 2 or port 3.  WARNING: I haven't tried setting a signal to "pin 0" to disable it when using a SmoothStepper.  I know this works with the normal parallel port interface in Mach3 (the parallel port driver simply ignores any invalid pin number).


The most basic configuration would be something like this for the first motor (I'll call it the "X" axis for convenience and to match the silkscreen on the PMDX-422).  This presumes that you have kept the default PMDX-422 step/dir mapping of step signals on parallel port pins 2, 4, 6 and 8, and direction signals on pins 3, 5, 7 and 9 (go to the mach "Configure" menu and select "Plugins", then click on the "Configure" button on to the PMDX-SmartBOB line, then click on the "Motor Config" tab of our plug-in configuration dialog).

See the attached image for a drawing of these connections.

- Set PMDX-422 jumper JP3 (next to the relay) so that the shorting clip is between the center pin and the "GND" pin (this is the default as shipped from PMDX).

- On PMDX-422 connector J3, connect the "COM" terminal to both the DIRECTION- and CLOCK- terminals on the X axis driver

- Connect the PMDX-422 J3 terminal labeled "2" to the "CLOCK+" terminal on the X axis driver

- Connect the PMDX-422 J3 terminal labeled "3" to the "DIRECTION+" terminal on the X axis driver

- Connect the driver's "ON/OFF-" terminal to the "DIRECTION-" terminal, and connect the "ON/OFF+" terminal to the PMDX-422 connector J10 "+5S" terminal.  This will enable the motor drivers only after the PMDX-422 has been powered on and the PC has finished loading the USB drivers for the board (i.e. all outputs on the PMDX-422 are idle and stable).

For the "Y" axis, repeat the above except use J4, with the "4" terminal for clock and "5" for direction.  And so on for any other motors you need to connect.  All of the motor driver's "ON/OFF+" terminals will need to be tied together and to the PMDX-422 J10 "+5S" terminal.

In the SmartBOB plug-in configuration dialog, on the "Motor Config" tab, set all of the "Step Polarity" items to "Active High" (this is the default).  Also start out with all of the "Direction Polarity" items set to "Active High" (also the default).  If you need to reverse the direction of any motor you can come back to this config dialog and change it.  You should not need to change the step signal polarity.

NOTE: You can also change the motor's direction polarity from the Mach4 "Configure" menu, then click on "Mach".  Click on the "Motors" tab and then click on "Motor0", "Motor1" or whichever motor you wish to change.  Along the bottom of the window there is a check box for "Reverse?".  This check box and the "Direction Polarity" setting from our config dialog reflect the same setting within Mach4.  Changing it in one place will also change it in the other place.  We include it in our config dialog as a convenience to be able to set all motor polarity settings in one place.

An alternative for controlling the motor driver "enable" (i.e. "ON/OFF") inputs is to use the PMDX-422's relay, if you aren't using it for anything else.  You can connect the J10 "+5S" terminal to the "N/O" terminal on connector J8, then connect the "COM" terminal on J8 to the driver's "ON/OFF+" terminals.  Then, in Mach4, assign the "Machine Enabled" output to "SmartBOB-USB" output signal name "Pin1", with a red "X" in the "Active Low" column (and hopefully obviously a green check mark in the "Mapping Enable" column).  This will keep the motor drivers disabled until Mach4 is running AND you click on the "Enable" button in Mach4.  This is not really necessary as a safety feature, but gives you the ability to easily de-power the motors in case you need to move an axis or motor by hand.


Good detective work! And where ever it came from, at least you know how to fix it.

Yeah, you are right about the J11 pin name being "H", not "D".  I had forgotten about the port 2 output signals.

The inversion between the LEDs on the PMDX-125 inputs and the Mach3 indicators is expected.  The PDMX-125 LEDs (as you've noticed) turn on when the input is grounded, which makes the LEDs an "active low" indicator.  So, yes, to make the Mach3 indicators match you need to define the input signals as active low.

HOWEVER - that does not necessarily mean that your limit switches will be active low.  That depends on how you wire them.  If they are normally open switches then, yes, they will be active low.  If they are normally closed switches, then the Mach3 signal should be defined as active high (and the PMDX-125 LEDs will indicate "not at limit").

OK, back to diagnosing your problem.  It has been quite a while since I've run the ESS plug-in on Mach3, and I don't remember if the ESS plug-in has any kind of diagnostic screen that shows you what *IT* thinks are the states of the input and output signals.  Barring that, it looks like we are at the "take a voltmeter and measure" stage.  With the ESS connected to the ribbon headers on the PMDX-125, you can use the DB25 connector to look at the voltage on pin 15 (that will be port 1 pin 15 to the ESS and Mach3).  You can clip (or otherwise attach) the ground probe from your meter to any of the "PCGnd" terminals on connectors J1 through J6 on the PMDX-125.  Then take the positive probe and somehow connect it to pin 15 on the DB25 connector.  A paper clip comes in handy here.  When looking at the edge of the PMDX-125 board with the components on top, the DB25 pins are numbered 1 to 13 across the top from left to right, then 14 to 26 on the bottom row also left to right.  So pin 15 will be the 2nd pin from the left on the bottom row.

** EDIT **
NO!!!  They are numbered RIGHT to LEFT!!!  So pin 15 is the second from the RIGHT on the bottom row.  Sorry about  that.
** END EDIT **

  Measure the voltage there with the "Pin 15" screw terminal unconnected (and PMDX-125 LED off), and then with the terminal grounded( LED on).  If all is well you should see something close to +5V and 0V (likely around 0.2V).   If you are seeing those voltages at the DB25 connector and Mach3 shows no response then then issue is upstream from the PMDX-125.

Hmmmm....  a neuron just fired in the rusty part of my brain.  You said that the port 2 pin 15 wasn't working and then started working again.  This sounds like a possible ribbon cable issue.  Pin 15 is near one edge of the cable and sometimes, when a ribbon cable has been yanked on a few times (not that I've ever done that) the connections can loosen.  So try wiggling the ribbon cables near both ends to see if that makes the signals work, even intermittently.  You can also try swapping the cabled from port 1 and port 2.  Even better, if you have another, hopefully known good ribbon cable laying around somewhere that you can try.


Gee, a PMDX-125 and not a PMDX-126.  Haven't thought about those is a while.  There were several revisions of the PMDX-125, written just above the serial number block (like "E6", "D5", etc.).  Please tell me the revision, along with your DIP switch settings.

Is that why the Inputx pins don't light up when the Pin 15 input on J12 or J11 is connect to the J12, J11 GND?
Only Pin 15 LED lights up for either J12,J11 but mapped to Input 1 does not light the indicator on the MACH diagnostic screen like the Pins 10..13.
Let me see if I have this straight (presuming that you have the ESS Port 1 connected to the PMDX-125 "Port 1" (J16), and ESS Port 2 to PMDX-125 "Port 2" (J17):

(1) When you assign, say, Port 1 Pin 11 (from PMDX-125 connector J12) to Mach3 input signal "INPUT1", and then connect the screw terminal for pin 11 on J12 to the adjacent GND pin, the LED on the PMDX-125 board for pin 11 turns on AND the indicator on the Mach3 diagnostics tab for "INPUT1" also lights up.  Is that correct?

(2) And if you instead assign Port 1 Pin 15 to Mach3 input signal "INPUT1", and then ground the pin 15 screw terminal the LED on the PMDX-125 board for pin 15 DOES turn on but the Mach3 indicator for "INPUT1" does NOT turn on.  Is that correct?

(3) And if you assign Port 2 Pin 15 (PMDX-125 connector J11, signal "D") to Mach3 input signal "INPUT1", and then ground the screw terminal the LED on the PMDX-125 board for pin "D" DOES turn on but the Mach3 indicator for "INPUT1" does NOT turn on. Is that correct?

In general, whether or not the pulse stretching is enabled, the input signal on the PMDX-125 pin 15 input should always get to the PC (and therefore to Mach3).  The only difference is that, *if* the signal on pin 15 is toggling, the PMDX-125 may make the low (or high) portion of the signal slightly longer.  And pulse stretching should have no effect on the PMDX-125's J11 "D" input signal (which appears as to Mach3 as Port 2 pin 15).

I am curious that (if I read your message correctly), both the J11 "D" signal and J12 "pin 15" inputs on the PMDX-125 fail to be read by the PC.  So let me know if my above interpretation is correct (all 3 items).  And if you haven't tried exactly that configuration, try it and let me know what you see.


Your clear and concise troubleshooting has pointed out that I suffer from severe ADD, ADHD, HDTV, R2D2 and dyslexia.
You have wonderful products and great knowledge.
Before I get to your questions, I want to confirm that the issues you've reported in your previous posts have been fixed.  If not, let me know what is still causing problems.

Next burning question.   Is my wiring correct or do I have too many wires connected for the mode I am in?  [0V to 10V mode]

I'm referring to PMDX-107 manual pg. 8 of 18.

Not sure if my wiring is correct or I should be running in 'ratiometric mode' or '0V to 10V mode' with different or same wiring.
The PMDx-107 wiring looks good.  Since you have the PMDX-107's "Aref" signal connected to the VFD (as Steve suggested a few posts ago), the PMDX-107 should be configured to operate in "ratiometric" mode, with the VFD supplying the "Aref" (reference) voltage on its terminal 13.  Therefore, as per the figure 3 on page 8 of the PMDX-107 manual, change DIP switch 6 (labeled "5V/10V") to the "on" position.


Alright thanks Steve.  I'm currently using a pmdx-126, pmdx-107 and a Ethernet SmoothStepper.  I'm looking to upgrade to mach4 and get rid of the ESS.  If I purchase the PMDX-410 the pmdx-107 will still work right?
Yes, the PMDX-126/PMDX-107 combo will work just fine with the PMDX-410.

Also since the pmdx-410 and PMDX-126 both have a E-Stop input which one should I use?
You should use the EStop inputs on the PMDX-126 and remove the red jumper wire from the EStop input on the PMDX-410 (if we shipped it with a red jumper wire).  The EStop input on the PMDX-410 is really only intended to be used when the 410 is connected (via the 26-pin ribbon header) to a breakout board that does not provide an EStop input **AND** does not drive pin 10 of the parallel port interface.  For example, if you had a PMDX-134 connected to the PMDX-410 (the PMDX-134 only connects to pins 2 through 9 of the parallel port).

What positions should the dip switches on the pmdx-126 be set to in order to be used with the PMDX-410?
No special DIP switch settings are needed.  We do recommend using the charge pump option on the PMDX-126 ("normal mode with charge pump", see section 3.1 of the PMDX-126 user's manual).  But only after you have all of your other inputs and outputs working (as per the "Quick Start" section in the PMDX-126 manual).  If you already have your setup working through the ESS, then it *should* "just work" with the PMDX-410 for all signals you have assigned to the ESS port 1.  The exception is for spindle which will require a visit to the SmartBOB plug-in configuration dialog to set some of the PWM parameters (similar to the Mach3 config shown in our AN002 app note here:

You mentioned in your first post on this thread possibly using the PMDX-126's expanded mode.  The PMDX-410 (and the PMDX-422) will support the "Expanded Input" mode of the PMDX-126.  Not yet, but "soon"  (man I hate using that word, but it IS near the top of our "to do" list).

One of the main reasons I'm getting rid of the ESS is because I love your products and the support that you guy's provide is amazing.  Your always on top of updating your plugins to fix any issues or make it compatible with the newest mach release.  I can't wait till you release the SmartBOB-Pro.  It sound's like it's going to be a awesome board.
Ahhh, shucks :-)


One change: You show the 120VAC "hot" line coming into the PMDX-107 on the "Rev/Dir" terminal.  It should be connected to the "Fwd/Run" terminal instead.

But let me step back a minute and ask a question or two that I should have asked before.  Do you ever intend to control the spindle (router) speed?  Are you planning to use either of the two relays on the PMDX-126 for anything (for example, controlling machine power as in our app note AN003 here:, or for vacuums or dust collectors, etc.)?

If all you ever want to do is switch the spindle motor on and off (no direction control and no speed control), you can use one of the relays on the PMDX-126 for this and you don't need the PMDX-107.  Presuming of course that you aren't already using both relays for other purposes.


General Discussion / Re: Mach3 holding E Stop
« on: June 28, 2015, 01:48:08 AM »
First, you mention "106" a couple of times.  I presume that you mean "126" (as in PMDX-126) since you don't list a PMDX-106 as one of the boards that you have.

Second, is this a continuation of the issues from this thread?
(for which I apologize for not responding to your last post).

When you press one of your safety switches, do you see the red EStop LED on the PMDX-126 turn on?  When you release the safety switch, does the red EStop LED on the PMDX-126 turn off?  IF not, then something is keeping the EStop input high (or open) or the Fault input grounded.

Let me see if I have this straight: when this issue arises, you can turn the PMDX-126 off and back on and the problem goes away ( can bring Mach out of reset).  **OR** you can exit Mach and re-start it and you are also then able to bring Mach out of reset.  Is that right?

You mentioned in the other thread that things worked for a while, then stopped working.  This *may* indicate intermittent connections.  Try removing one wire at a time from the PMDX-126, then make sure that the screw clamp is all the way down, re-insert the wire that tighten the screw clamp.

Are you using one of the PMDX-126 relays to also control power to the motors/PMDX-134 (as in our app note AN003)?  If so, you have a deadlock condition because when the PMDX-126 sees an EStop/Fault input it will turn off the relay, cutting power to the motors, which will then keep the fault input grounded through the power monitor relay.

Try disconnecting the motor power from the PMDx-126 fault input and see if that changes things.


I'm using K2 relay to enable & disable my drives with charge pump status.
 But when I run a program the K2 relay is switching off when the spindle starts. It is disabling my drives.
Have switches, ports,pins & settings set to the recommendations in AN002. All seems to work up until the spindle comes on.
I know it must be something simple, but I have burned myself out and overlooked something.

First, lets start with the really basic stuff and confirm your configuration (all of which matches the settings from AN002):

- PMDX-126 DIP switches CONFIG3,2,1 should be closed, closed, open respectively as shown in section 3.1 of the PMDX-126 manual for "normal mode with charge pump".

- PMDX-126 jumper JP2 should be set to "multimode" and DIP switch CONFIG8 should be open as shown in section 3.3, table 4 of the PMDX-126 manual to allow the "outputs enabled" signal to control the K2 relay.

- Mach3 should be configured so that the charge pump output signal is on port 1 pin 17 (presuming that you have ESS port 1 connected to the PMDX-126).

Now for some questions and tests to run (some of these try to confirm some very basic things, so bear with me):
(1) How do you know that the K2 relay is turning off?  Do you see the LED on the PMDX-126 for that relay turn off?  If not, how do you know that the relay is turning off?

(2) When the K2 relay turns off, does it turn off and STAY off?  Or does it turn off for a short time and then back on?

(3) When the K2 relay turns off, does Mach3 go into reset (the reset button flashing red)?

(4) Does this happen only when you are actually cutting material?  Or does it also happen when cutting air?

(5) Enter commands through the MDI command line to turn on the spindle (Sxxx to set the spindle speed, then M3 to turn on the spindle).  Does this cause the K2 relay to turn off?

(6) When the K2 relay turns off, does the "Outputs Enable" LED on the PMDX-126 also turn off?

(7) If the answer to (4) was that this also happens when cutting air, turn the power off to the VFD and spindle and re-run the program that caused the K2 relay to turn off.  Does the relay still turn off when the program gets to the point where it turns on the spindle?


For example; I would use the abundant analog and digital inputs on an Arduino Mega to greatly augment the sensory input possibilities available to the PMDX-422. I would connect the limit and proximity sensors via the Arduino, and have the Arduino pass-on the data to the PMDX-422 via serial communication.

Yes, you could indeed use the capabilities of the Arduino to provide more/different kinds of inputs/outputs to Mach4.

Just to clarify, the MODBUS would communicate between Mach4 and the Arduino.  The PMDX-422 would have no knowledge of that communication unless or until the MODBUS data caused some signal in Mach4 to change (i.e. a limit switch).  Then Mach4 would tell our plug-in, which would in turn tell the PMDX-422.
WARNING: Home switches MUST be connected directly to the SmartBOB, or to the SmartBOB by way of the 26-pin ribbon header (or DB25 on the PMDX-411) through a PMDX-340 or breakout board (PMDX-126, etc.).  The current firmware/plug-in (as of today, 24 Jun 2015) do not require the EStop or limit switches to go through the SmartBOB.  However, future versions *may* require this.

Earlier today I had thought of using 3 of the Inputs (the extra 3 on the PMDX-422) to implement a simpler form of communications by treating the 3 inputs as one code register - giving me 9 possible "signals" or digital values that the Arduino could set using the 3 inputs on the PMDX-422. This would give me the ability to directly sense each end of each axis with limit switches as well as using proximity or other sensor types as well.

First, 3 inputs gives you 8 possible combinations, and one of those has to be (or should be?) "nothing of interest".  So you are left with 7 possible things to signal.  And, like the MODBUS discussion above, the PMDX-422 would not be interpreting the meaning of these "encoded" inputs.  It would just pass the states to the Mach4 core.  You would need some custom code running in Mach4 to decode the values and set/clear the desired Mach4 signals.


I have a Pmdx 134 motherboard can i use this with only one 203v driver in it to start and add others later? So i would use two outputs on the Pmdx 126 for 320 legacy drivers and then use the mother board Pmdx 134 for one 203v driver.

Yes, you can mix drivers on the PMDX-134 and drivers direct wired to the PMDX-126 as long as you make sure that the direct-wired drivers use different step/dir pins than the ones used by the drivers on the PMDX-134.  For example, if you have a G203V plugged into the "Axis #1" slot on the PMDX-134, then make sure the direct-wired drivers don't use parallel port pins 2 & 3 (connector J4 on the PMDX-126).  Note that the "Axis #1" label on the PMDX-134 is NOT NECESSARILY the same as the "X Axis" in Mach.  See the PMDX-134 manual section 3.4 for a list of step/dir pins for each of the four motor driver positions on the PMDX-134.


I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean.  You can certainly connect one or more of the PMDX-422's output signals to pins on the Arduino so that the Arduino can see, for example, when "Pin1" is active and do something with that.  Well, maybe not such a good example as the "Pin1" signal is only available on the 26pin ribbon header, not on the screw terminal connectors as it controls the on-board relay.  But you get the idea...

If you are wanting to monitor the USB communications, sorry.

Another possible approach is to implement a serial port on the Ardiono to interface with Mach4 as a MODBUS peripheral.

If you can give me a concrete example of something you are trying to do (or thinking of trying to do) maybe I can be more helpful.


Thank you for the help on the relay! So now my question is can i Mix two 320 drivers pushing servo's (X axis, Y Axis) and one 203 driver pushing a 960 oz Stepper (Z Axis)? I believe from what i have read that the answer is yes.

Yes.  You can connect any motor driver as long as it takes step & direction inputs.  The PMDX boards (and Mach) don't care how the step/dir signals actually make the motors move.


Not at this time.


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