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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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We are addressing this in private emails.  I will post relevant details here once we have resolved the issue.


I set Home. Jog out of the way, set my workpiece, press go to home. It starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction and sets at a random spot on the table. if I press it again it moves in the same direction, but this time only 2-3 in on the x and y axis.

Would you please clarify a couple of things?

(1) When you say "it starts travelling in the OPPOSITE direction", I presume you mean that the machine moves opposite the expected homing direction, correct?  For example, if you have the X axis set to home in the negative direction (DRO decrementing while searching for the HOME switch), this time the X axis moves in the position direction (DRO incrementing).

(2) When the machine stops after the homing move that went in the wrong direction, was there a message in the Mach4 status line at the bottom of the window?  Also click on the "History" button and see if there are any messages.

(3) When you try to home the 3rd time and the machine only moves 2 or 3 inches, again, is there a message in the Mach4 status line or any messages in the "History" window?

(4) Is this repeatable?  I.e. does the first "home" operation always work, and the other ones following the jog always NOT work?

Please re-test the previous plug-in version (and please tell us which version this was), send us your INI file and a description of how you have your limit/home switches wired as Steve requested in the previous message.  If that doesn't lead us to the problem I will ask you re-run the test with logging enabled.

This page is obsolete and maintained here for historical purposes.
Please visit the page on the new PMDX FAQ site here:



Sometimes we will ask you to to enable the SmartBOB Plug-in's debug log, run a test for us and then send us the resulting log file.  Here are the steps you need to do this:

(1) Display the SmartBOB plug-in configuration dialog box.  To do so, with Mach4 running select the "Configure" menu, highlight "Plugins" and then select the "PMDX-SmartBOBUSB" (see the first image below).  In older versions of Mach4, go to the "Configure" menu and select "Plugins". Then click on the "Configure" button on the "PMDX-SmartBOB-USB" line.

(2) Enable the debug log: click on the "Debug" tab (see 2nd image), the change the settings as instructed by PMDX.  Usually this will be "Debug Mode" set to "Debug" and "Debug Device" set to "File" (see the 3rd image).  BUT NOT ALWAYS!!!

(3) Save settings and exit Mach4: click on "OK" to close the SmartBOB configuration dialog, then "OK" again to close the plug-in configuration window.

(4) OPTIONAL (and recommended unless instructed by PMDX to *NOT* do this): Restart Mach4  - exit Mach4, wait at least 10 seconds, then re-run Mach4.

(5) Run the test as described by PMDX.  Make notes of every step that you do.  For example: started Mach4, did a "Ref All Home", jogged the X axis 3 inches to the right, etc.  We will need that information to help process the log file.

(6) Disable the debug log: Go back to the SmartBOB "debug" configuration tab (see steps 1 and 2 above).  Click on the "Restore Default Settings" button (see 4th image).  Click on "OK" to close the SmartBOB configuration window, then "OK" again to close the Mach4 plug-in configuration dialog.

(7) Exit Mach4

(8) Send PMDX the debug log file.  If you are running Mach4 build 2580 or higher there is a function built in to Mach4 to create a "package", which you can then send to us.  This package includes all of the files associated with the current Mach4 profile (including our log files) as well as a copy of your screen set.  To create this package, go to the Mach4 "Help" menu and select "Support", and then "Package Current Profile".  By default Mach4 will save this in the Mach4 installation directory (usually C:Mach4Hoby), but you have the option of saving the file somewhere else.  Send us this file.

If you are running an older Mach4 build (earlier than 2580), then you will have to send the log file to us yourself.  The log file is named "PMDX-SmartBOB-USB.log" and will be stored in one of two places, depending on which version of our plug-in you are running.  In the examples below I presume that you installed Mach4 in the default "C:Mach4Hobby" directory.  If you installed Mach4 in a different directory, then substitute the actual install directory where you see "C:Mach4Hobby".  For example, if you installed Mach4 in the default location of "C:Mach4Hobby", the log file will be:

       For plug-in versions 0.30.136 (released 2 Aug 2015) and newer:
       where "YOUR_PROFILE_NAME" is the name of the Mach4 profile that you are running.

       For plug-in versions 0.29.128 (16 Jul 2015) and older:

Send that file to us as an attachment to an email, sent to the email address given you by PMDX support.

[editied 22 Mar 2016 to update for new Mach4 build 2914 menu structure and add images of important steps]
[edited 15 Sep 2015 to show log file location for newer plug-in releases and added Mach4 "Package Profile" feature]

The PMDX-422 does not support PNP-style sensors.  At least not in a way that I can think of without external active circuitry (an NPN transistor or some sort of inverting buffer).

The inputs on the PMDX-422 need to be either pulled or driven to GND, or pulled, driven or allowed  to float (using the PMDX-422's internal pull-up resistors) to +5V.  While the inputs can tolerate voltages above +5V, that still looks like +5V to the PMDX-422.  PNP sensors are typically either "open" (i.e. floating output) or pulled to the sensor power supply (+12V in your case).  The +5V that you see on your sensor output when the sensor is "off" (its output is floating) is generated by the PMDX-422's internal pull-up.


I was looking at the AN003 Note about controlling machine power and was wondering if the emergency stop switch in the diagram operates at 24v or 120v?

The E-Stop switch(es) shown in those diagrams operates at two different voltages.  The top section(s) which are connected in series with the contactor coil operate at the AC mains voltage (120VAC or 230VAC).  The bottom section(s) which are connected to the PMDX-126's E-Stop input operate at +5VDC.

I'm looking to stop my spindle and stepper motors if the E-Stop is hit.  I'm controlling my spindle with a VFD and my stepper motors are powered by a 48v power supply.  Would I cut power to both of these if an E-Stop is hit?

Yes - that is the purpose of this circuit.  Pressing the E-Stop switch immediately cuts power to the motors and spindle.  It also causes the PMDX-126 to disable its outputs and sends an E-Stop signal to Mach3.  But the circuit does not rely on electronics on the PMDX-126 nor software on the PC to disable the motors.

What kind of contactor is needed to wire my machine like the diagram in AN003?

That depends on how much total current your stepper motor power supply and VFD draw.  Our Contactor18-120 ( would work for this case if the total current requirements are 18 Amps or less.  If you need more that 18 Amps, you can use two of these contactors.  You would wire the power input and coil terminals (those on the left side of the contactor in the drawing) in parallel, and connect the "output" relay contacts (on the right side of the contactor in the drawing) from one contactor to your stepper motor power supply and the contacts from the other contactor to the VFD power supply input.

Also if the E-Stop is hit in Mach3 does it cut power to what ever is hooked up to the contactor?

Yes, if you have the PMDX-126 and Mach3 configured as shows in that app note.  The only time the that power will be enabled to your motors will be when Mach3 is running and the "RESET" button is *not* flashing.


This is a bug in the general homing code, not specifically the slaved axis support.  Any motor with the "Reversed" box checked in the "Motors" configuration tab will home in the wrong direction.  We will post a fix for this by tomorrow morning.


Yes, your IR received needs to switch the pin 15 input to GND as in the first option above.  The PMDX-126 inputs expect any one of the following kinds of inputs:

- Open circuit or connected to GND, usually for mechanical switches, "NPN" style or "open collector" style sensors

- Open circuit or connected to "+12U" (from the PMDX-126 board) or an external +24VDC power supply, for "PNP" style sensors

- Connected to +5V or GND, usually for sensors with "totem-pole" style outputs (also called TTL or CMOS outputs)


Oops - sorry about changing the limit switch polarities :-)  I had to do that to get it to run on my systems and I obviously forgot to change it back.

On the one hand I'm glad it now appears to be working as it should.  On the other hand, I really don't like problems that "just go away".  And you are right, I can't see how changing the SSR would affect the motion.

If the problem pops up again let us know and we'll try this again.


I am still unable to replicate the movement issues you are seeing.  So....  I would like you to run a test for me.

Here is how to run the test:
- Find the directory with your Mach4 profile (if you installed Mach4 Hobby in the default directory this would be "C:Mach4HobbyProfilesYourProfileName")
- In that profile directory, rename your current "Machine.ini" file to something else like "Machine_safe.ini"
- Download the attached INI file and copy it to your profile directory (in place of the file you renamed above)
- Run Mach4, jog the machine to X=2 then X=0 (and also the Y axis) as you did in your initial tests
- Execute the "G01 X2.0" MDI command
- Click on the "Goto Zero" button.
- Note the ending position shown in the DROs
- Exit Mach4
- Delete the "Machine.ini" file in your profile directory and rename your "Machine_safe.ini" back to "Machine.ini".

Find the following 3 files and send them to me (the directory paths are presuming the default Mach4 install directory).  This can be as 3 attachments or you can combine them into a ZIP file:
- C:Mach4HobbyPMDX-SmartBOB-Motion.log
- C:Mach4HobbyPMDX-SmartBOB-IO.log
- C:Mach4HobbyPluginsPMDX-SmartBOB-USBPMDX-SmartBOB-USB.log

As an aside - I noticed that you are using the EStop input as active low.  We generally recommend wiring your system so that the EStop is active high (and your EStop switch opens on EStop).  This helps act as a fail-safe.  When active high, if any of the wires break between the SmartBOB board and your EStop switch, the system will halt.


I want to try and replicate this behavior here.  Would you please send me a copy of your "Machine.ini" file from your Mach4 profile.  See the FAQ here for where to find this file.


This page is obsolete and maintained here for historical purposes.
Please visit the new PMDX FAQ site here:

The links below still work, and will bring you to the now obsolete individual FAQ pages.
Each of the below FAQ pages now has a link to the corresponding FAQ on the new FAQ site.


This message will collect links to messages that describe activities that we frequently use (or ask our customers to use) when troubleshooting Mach4/SmartBOB behaviors.

(1) What should you tell us when you report a problem?

(2) How do I determine the Mach4 build and/or SmartBOB plug-in or firmware version?

(3) Where do I find the "machine.ini" file (aka "Mach4 configuration file")?

(4) How to I capture and send a SmartBOB plug-in debug log to PMDX?

(5) How to troubleshoot a "did not find a valid PMDX-SmartBOB device" error?

This page is obsolete and maintained here for historical purposes.
Please visit the page on the new PMDX FAQ site here:



Sometimes we will ask you to send us your Mach4 profile configuration file (i.e. "Machine.ini").  This file is stored in your Mach4 profile directory.

For example, say your Mach4 profile is named "MySmartBOB-Sample" (because you DID copy the sample SmartBOB profile before editing it, didn't you?).  And furthermore, presume that you installed Mach4 Hobby in the default directory of C:Mach4Hobby.  In that case,  your configuration file will be here:


You can send this to us using the "Attachments and other options" link at the bottom of the forum edit window.  Or, if you don't want to post your configuration file in public, contact us to arrange to send it via email (click on our user name to send a private message or contact us at the email address listed on the "Contact Us" page of our main web site).

**BUT AN EVEN BETTER WAY** Usually when we ask fro your configuration file, we will ask for your entire profile.  This allows us to see any macros/Lua code that you may be running.  As of Mach4 build 2580 (Jul 2015), Mach4 has a "package" facility that collects all of the files related to your profile and puts them into a single file that you can then sent to us.

Go to the Mach4 "Help" menu and select "support" and then select "Package Current Profile".  Mach4 will prompt you for where to save this file, and it usually defaults to the main Mach4Hobby directory.

This page is obsolete and maintained here for historical purposes.
Please visit the page on the new PMDX FAQ site here:



One of the first questions we will ask you when trouble-shooting a Mach4/PMDX-SmartBOB issue is what version of Mach4, PMDX-SmartBOB plug-in and SmartBOB firmware you are running.  You can find all of this information in a few handy places:

(1) When running Mach4, go to the "Diagnostic" menu and select the "PMDX-SmartBOB-USB".


(2) When running Mach4, go to the "Configure" menu and select "Plugins..."  In the"Configure Plugins" dialog, look for the "PMDX-SmartBOB-USB" line and click on the "Configure" button.


(3) Exit Mach4 (if you were running it).  Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and navigate to the Mach4Hobby directory, usually C:Mach4Hobby.  Then change into the "Profiles" directory.  Then change into the directory for the profile that you are using.  For example, if your profile name is MyMillProfile, you will go to:


Look for a file named "PMDXVersionInfo.txt".  That contains all of the information displayed in (1) and (2) above.

As of our plug-in version 0.30.136 (Aug 2015), that information looks something like this:

Mach4 Build#: 2230
Screen Set: wxMach.set
PMDX SmartBOB-USB Device: PMDX-422 [Rev B PCB] on COMx
PMDX SmartBOB-USB Serial Number: SNxxxxxx
PMDX SmartBOB-USB Plug-In Version: 0.18.95
PMDX SmatBOB-USB BootLoader Version: 1.6.61
PMDX SmartBOB-USB Firmware Version: 0.32.104

This thread is copied from the original starting thread on the MachSupport Mach4 forums (,29440.0.html) to continue the (presumed) PMDX-SmartBOB debugging here on our forums.  The final resolution will be cross-posted back to the original MachSupport thread. 

Here is the original pertinent info from NeilD321:

I am finalising the setup of my new machine and have discovered something I don't understand.
I have setup a pen where my end mill will be to test that all works correctly.

If I set the pen on some paper and zero all axis I can draw a perfect 2 inch by 2 inch square by just jogging the X and Y axis to 2.0 and back while watching the RDOs.
I assume this means I've managed to set the motor and axis parameters correctly.

So I moved to issuing MDI G-code commands to start learning what is what.
But if I, again, put the pen on the paper and zero the machine and then issue a G01 X2.0 command, I expected the machine to move 2.0 inches on the X axis.
It didn't. It moved 0.8142 inches.
To make matters worse, if I now press "Go To Zero" the X axis moves but ends up at -0.2576 in the RDO.

I have the PMDX-422 SmartBobUSB
MACH 4 build on Windows 7
SmartBobUSB Plugin version 0.17.86
Boot loader: 1.5.58
Firmware: 0.32.104

I have the Velocity Units/Minute set to 31 for all motors.

Posted here by Bob.

I've confirmed that Mach4 build 2251 does not generate any motion, neither jogging nor GCode.  This is not a PMDX plug-in issue as I get the same behavior with the SIM plug-in.  We are working with Newfangled Solutions to get a fix for this.  See also this thread on the Mach Support site:,29232.0.html

Stay tuned...


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