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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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The 1.5V on pin 2 *could* be realistic if that is the step signal output.  The 12V on "Pin3" is not good, and the 14V on the "+5V" terminal is even worse.  If those readings are accurate then something is very messed up.

Please disconnect *ALL* of the Leadshine drivers from the PMDX-126 board.  And do not reconnect them until you have the correct pinouts.

Now, lets see if the output driver on the PMDX-126 is working.  Repeat the measurements on PMDX-126 connector J4 (with nothing connected).  See what you get.  If "Pin3" is the direction output, you should get close to 0V after jogging one direction, and close to 5V after jogging the other direction.  And HOPEFULLY you see 5V (or very close) on the "+5V" terminal.


If you hear 1 click each time you jog one direction, and nothing when you jog the other direction, that usually means that you have the step and direction signals swapped (i.e. the step output from Mach3 is going to the "DIR" input on the motor driver).  Try swapping the step & dir pins in Mach3 and see if that changes anything.

If that doesn't fix things, lets go back to basics and go through things one step at a time.  Some of this will be verifying things that you have already done.  So please be patient and humor with me.

I recommend connecting the ES-DH1208's PUL- and DIR- to the PMDX-126's "PCgnd" terminals on J1, J2, J3 and J4.  The connect the PUL+ and DIR+ to the step and dir terminals on the PMDX-126.  For example, PUL+ to "Pin2" on J4, and DIR+ to "Pin3" on J4.  Or you could have PUL+ to "Pin3" and DIR+ to "Pin2".  It doesn't matter as long as you know which is which, and are consistent on all 4 motors (i.e. PUL+ to even pins and DIR+ to odd pins, or PUL+ to odd pins and DIR+ to even pins).  This configuration corresponds to the "PNP (sinking)" configuration in the ES-DH1208 manual.  It also allows you to set the "step polarity" in Mach3 to active high (i.e. a red "X" in the "Step Low Active" column).

Leave the ENA+ and ENA- terminals unconnected to enable the driver.

Let me know exactly how you have the PMDX-126 wired to the ES-DH1208 for the "X" axis (we will concentrate on that for now).

For the following examples, I will presume that you have the "X" axis driver's PUL+ connected to the "Pin2" terminal on J4, and DIR+ to the "Pin3" terminal.

For the PMDX-126's self-test mode, the DIP switches should be set as follows:

Config7: open or closed, your choice (for now, I suggest "closed" for "push and hold to run" mode)
Config6: Closed (switch towards the "Config6" silkscreen)
Config5: Closed (switch towards the "Config5" silkscreen)
Config4: Closed (switch towards the "Config4" silkscreen)
Config3: Open (switch away from the "Config3" silkscreen)
Config2: Open (switch away from the "Config2" silkscreen)
Config1: Open (switch away from the "Config1" silkscreen - sets STEP (i.e. PUL+) on "Pin2" and DIR on "Pin3",
                       change this to "Closed" if you have PUL+ connected to "Pin3"

Press the PMDX-126's "Test" button one time and release to enter test mode.  When you release the "Test" button, the "Status" LED should turn off.  If it remains on, or if it flashes, there is a fault.

Now each time you press the "Test" button, the LED next to "Pin3" should toggle on and off (i.e. press the button and the LED turns on, press the button again and the LED turns off).  Do you see that?

If you press and hold the "Test" button.  After couple of seconds you should see a dim glow on the "Pin2" LED.  Do you see that?

Do you now get motion from the motor when pressing and holding the "Test" button?  You should hear 5 clicks about 1/2 second apart and then the motor should ramp up to whatever speed corresponds to 1000 steps/second.  Release the "Test" button and the motor should ramp down to a stop.

Do you hear the 5 clicks at the start of the motion?  If you hold the motor shaft, or place your finger against it, you may be able to feel the steps.  But this depends on the "Pulses/Revolution" setting in the ES-DH1208.  The default is 4000 steps/rev, which is equivalent to 20 step microstepping.  You may or may not be able to feel that small of a motion.

Does the motor ramp up in speed?

If you hear and/or feel the 5 clicks but then the motor doesn't ramp up in speed, or if it starts to ramp up and then stalls (while making a whining or buzzing sound), that could mean that the motor stalled (or "cogged").  That *should* cause the ES-DH1208 to enter a fault state and display an error code and/or flash an LED.

If this works and the motor moves, then go verify that Mach3 has the "X" axis step and direction pins assigned to the pin numbers that match your actual wiring.

If this doesn't work, let me know the values of the following ES-DH1208 registers:
PA_07, 08, 09, 15, 17 and 18.

I'm not sure you can do that directly in the DRO.  There is an "on update" script that you can add code to.  So you *may* be able to get the current (i.e. new) value, multiply by your scale factor and then somehow write that back to the DRO.  I don't know if that would then trigger ANOTHER update event, creating an infinite loop.

I think what you would have to do is write a Lua function that reads the SmartBOB encoder register, multiplies that by your scale factor to convert to inches, and then update (somehow) a field on the screen.  The script would go in the screen set's PLC script so that it would run periodically. 

There may be a better way.  I would suggest posting this on the MachSupport forums (  There are a few people there who have done lots of things with Lua and may be able to give you some better suggestions.


We had someone report this kind of behavior once before (several years ago), with what I think is the same configuration you have (ESS/PMDX-126/PMDX-107).  I don't remember the solution, and a quick search of my emails hasn't turned it up yet.  I'll keep looking.

Meanwhile - I need a bit more information.  Are you using Mach3 or Mach4?

If you are using Mach3, please send us the XML file for your profile.  This will be in your main Mach3 installation directory (usually C:Mach3).  If your profile is called "MyMill", then the file will be C:Mach3MyMill.xml.

If you are using Mach4, please create a profile package and send that to me.  See the "BUT AN EVEN BETTER WAY" section in this FAQ for instructions on creating the profile package:

I also need to know the DIP switch settings on the PMDX-126 and the PMDX-107.


I'll leave probe (and coolant pump) recommendations to others.  I stay strictly on the (digital) electronics side of things.


As for models of coolant pumps, I'll leave that for Steve or anyone else here.

Looking at your user name and our order history I'm guessing that you have a PMDX-126, correct?

There is a separate, dedicated EStop input on the PMDX-126 on connector J13.  Your EStop circuit should be connected there, between the "E-Stop' terminal and the adjacent "GND" terminal if your EStop switch is normally closed, or between the "Fault" input and the adjacent "GND" terminal if your EStop switch is normally open.  We DON'T recommend using normally open contacts for EStop because if the wiring comes loose or breaks somehow you will never know it until your machine DOESN'T stop when you hit the EStop switch.

For your limit switches, it *is* possible to wire them all in series to a single input on the PMDX-126.  However, if you do you will have to enable "limits override" to jog off any of the limit switches since Mach3 can't tell which limit (positive or negative, Z, Y or Z) was tripped.

Will any of these also be used as a home switch?  Do you have any other input signals that you need to connect, like a touch probe?  If you also want to use, say, the minus limit switches as home switches, we usually recommend wiring each limit/home switch to its own input.  You can then gang the three positive limit switches to the 4th input.  With this arrangement Mach3 can home all 3 axis at the same time.  Not necessary but a little quicker.

If you also need a touch probe or some other input signal, you have a couple of options:
(1) Wire all 3 negative limit/home switches to one input, all 3 positive limit switches to a second input, leaving 2 inputs available for other uses.  Mach3 will have to home 1 axis at a time.


(2) Use "Expanded Inputs" mode to give you 8 inputs instead of 4.  The drawback to this is that if you have the "charge pump" feature enabled on the PMDX-126 (which we recommend when connected to a PC's parallel port), you will not be able to see all 8 inputs when Mach3 is disabled ("Reset" button is flashing).  They will only be available when Mach3 is enabled since the charge pump signal is used to multiplex the 2 sets of 4 inputs into Mach3.


We are investigating an interaction between Mach4 and our plug-in related to the Mach4 enable/disable state and active low enable outputs.  Stay tuned...


Do you have a break-out board between the PMDX-411 and the motor drivers?  Or are you wiring directly from a DB25 connector plugged in to the PMDX-411 to the motor drivers (and limit/home switches)?

How and where are you measuring the voltage on pin 14?

When you have the PMDX real-time diagnostics window open, do you ever see the pin 14 indicator turn green?  Or does it stay read and occasionally flicker yellow?

And finally, send me a profile package of your current profile.  Go to the Mach4 "Help" menu and select "Support", and then "Package current profile".  Save the resulting file and then either post it here to the forums or email directly to me at bob at this domain.


Which port the motors are mapped to depends on the breakout board and which port on the ESS you have the breakout board connected to.  In that video he apparently had the motors connected to a board that was on port 2.  When using the PMDX-126/PDMX-134 combination AND with the ESS port1 connected to the PMDX-126 port 1, and ESS port 2 connected to the PMDX-126 port 2 (it is really hard to connect them the other way around), then the motor signals are always on port 1. This is mentioned in the PMDX-126 manual bit it is not obvious.  Look at section 11.14 where it describes the signals going from the PMDX-126 to the J19 connector (which feeds the PMDX-134).

There are no jumpers settings on the PMDX-126 associated with the step and direction pinouts.


Glad to hear you got it running!


The ribbon cables look OK.

But your motor configuration is a bit mixed up.

(a) The image of the ESS I/O Configuration dialog shows the motor step/dir assigned to port 2.  This needs to be port 1.

(b) You also have Pin2 mapped to Motor0 step, where that needs to be Motor0 Dir.  I know you mentioned that you swapped the step/dir and it didn't work either way.  That is because of (a) above.

(c) In the ESS I/O config dialog, you have pins 2&3 going to Motor0/X axis, but in the Mach4 "Axis Mapping" dialog, you have Motor1 mapped to X and Motor0 mapped to Y.  I am not very familiar with the ESS configuration, and it may be that the "Custom Name" field had no meaning or function beyond a user-readable label for the signal.  However, for your later sanity I suggest that these should be consistent.  If you really want Motor1 mapped to the X axis as shown in the Mach4 dialog, then change the "Custom Name" entries in the ESS config to match that.  If you really want Motor0 mapped to the X axis as indicated in the ESS config dialog, then change the Mach4 axis mapping to match.

(d) Further complicating this is the PMDX-134 calls the 4 motors "Axis #1" through "Axis #4".

The main question is which motor driver on the PMDX-134 is controlling the X axis?  If it is the driver in the "Axis #1" position, then the X axis must be driven by Port1 Pin2 (dir) and Pin3 (step), and the Y axis by Port1 Pin4 (dir) and Pin5 (step).  If the driver in the "Axis #2" position on the PMDX-134 is driving the X axis (not logical to me, but it isn't my machine, so whatever makes sense to you), then the X axis must be driven by Port1 Pin4 (dir) and Pin5 (step), with the Y axis driven by Port1 Pin2 (dir) and Pin3 (step)

So to summarize all the changes, and presuming that the X axis is driven from the PMDX-134 "Axis #1" driver:

(1) In the ESS I/O config, disable and un-map Port 2 pins 2 through 5

(2) In the ESS I/O config, enable Port 1 pins 2 through 5 and map as follows:
     Port1-Pin2  "Motor0 Dir"      "X Dir"
     Port1-Pin3  "Motor0 Step"   "X Step"
     Port1-Pin4  "Motor1 Dir"      "Y Dir"
     Port1-Pin5  "Motor1 Step"   "Y Step"

(3) In the Mach4 config, "Axis Mapping" tab, map Motor0 to the X axis and Moto1 to the Y axis (the opposite of what is shown in the picture).

The makes the lowest motor number (Motor0) the the lowest numbered position on the PMDX-134 (Axis #1).  It also maps Motor0 to the lowest lettered axis (X).

Consistency is the key to being able to figure out your configuration months or even years from now if you need to change it or replicate it.  Keeping Motor0 mapped to the PMDX-134 Axis #1, Motor1 mapped to PMDX-134 Axis #2, etc. will help save your sanity.  You can map them to X, Y, Z as you see fit, though again, if possible, Motor0=X, Motor1=Y is the most straight forward.


Yes, a G201X should work using the same common polarity as the G320 drivers.  However, the G203V also *should* work presuming it is wired correctly with the common going to a ground reference on the PMDX-424 and not the step/dir "com" terminals.  So before you go buying another driver, try a couple of things:

(1) What version of PMDX-SmartBOB plug-in are you running?  You can go to the "Diagnostics" menu and select the PMDX SmartBOB.  Our diagnostics dialog will display the Mach4 build, plug-in version and firmware versions.

(2) If you are running plug-in version 0.41.205 or higher, go to our plug-in configuration dialog and click on the "Feature Config" tab.  Are the 3A and 3B motor outputs enabled or disabled?

(3) Re-check the wiring from the PMDX-424 to the G203V, and tell me here what those connections are, just to be sure.  For example, presuming you have the G203V on the PMDX-424 "Motor3a" terminals (J10), you would say something like:
          J10 step to G203V step
          J10 dir to G203V direction
          J12 LGND to G203V common

(4) Disconnect the PMDX-424's Z axis step & dir terminals from the Z axis G320 and connect the G203V step & dir terminals where the Z axis used to be.  Now try jogging the Z axis and see if the G203V moves the motor.  Restore the normal Z axis step & dir wiring to the original G320.

(5) Create a profile package and either post it here or email it to me at bob at this domain.  To create the profile package, go to the 'Help" menu and select "Support", then select "Package Current Profile".  Save the file somewhere that you can find it, and then post it or email it.


Are your servo drivers G320 or G320X?

If you really have the older G320 drivers, the issue is the Step/Dir Common inputs on the two different Geckodrive drivers.  The G320 requires +5V on the "COM" terminal.  The G203V requires GROUND.  There is a way to work around this:

(1) Connect the G320 "COM" terminals to the "com" terminals on the PMDX-424 motor connectors along with the step and direction wires on (I'm guessing) J7, J8 and J9.

(2) Connect the G203V "COMMON" terminal to the PMDX-424 "GND" terminal on connector J12 (the "Outputs" connector) or on J13 (the "Encoder" connector).

(3) Go into the SmartBOB plug-in configuration dialog, click on the "Motor Config" tab and set the "Step/Dir Common" to "+5V".

You should be all set.


G320 COM is +5V
G320X COM is +5V or GND
G302V COM is GND

I found the data sheet here:

Looking at the PDF, the PNP sensor has an internal 47K res from the output to gnd.  The PMDX-126 presumes that the PNP sensor will be either "open circuit" or pulled to +24V.  The sensor's internal 47K resistor to GND appears to be fooling the PMDX-126's input circuit to make it think there is an NPN sensor (or mechanical switch) that is "active".

Are you powering your sensors from an external 24V DC power supply?

I can see two ways to work around this:

(1) Add an external diode between the sensor's black wire and the PMDX-126's input terminal.  The cathode of the diode (the end with the stripe on it) should go on the PMDX-126 side.  This will prevent the sensor's internal resistor from sinking current from the PMDX-126 and falsely triggering the input.  This can be any 1N4001, 1N4002 or 1N4148 style small signal or switching diode.


(2) Add a resistor from the PMDX-126's input terminal to the "+5V" terminal on J11 or J12.  The resistor could be a 2.2K ohm, 4.7K Ohm or maybe even 10K ohm.  This *should* keep the sensor's pull-down resistor from drawing enough current to trigger the PMDX-126's input circuit.  But please note that I haven't tested this solution yet (I'm working from home this morning).

I'll see if Steve has any other suggestions later today.


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