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Messages - Bob at PMDX

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Based on the manual that I found here:

page 2-2 shows the basic wiring needed.  From that, here are the connections:

PMDX-107         VFD
-------------       -----------------------
Rev/Dir             M1 (reverse/stop)
Fwd/Run          M0 (forward/stop)
COM                GND

And as per figure 2 on page 8 of the PMDX-107 manual (also note the PMDX-107 DIP Switch #6 setting):
Aref                 No connection
Aout                AVI
Agnd               GND

The PMDX-107 DIP switch settings should be:
* "Normal Mode" (see section 4.1 in the PMDX-107 manual)
* Solid State Relays as Forward/Reverse (see section 4.2)
* Charge Pump Enabled (see section 4.3, presuming this is on a PMDX-126)
* Fast filter response (see section 4.4)
* 10V reference (see section 4.5 and not above for analog connections)

You may also need to reprogram some register settings in the VFD to get it to pay attention to the Forward & Reverse inputs and the analog control voltage (instead of the VFD front panel controls).  At a *very* quick glance, look at VFD registers Pr.00 and Pr.01 and set both to "01".


All you need to do is change the screen set used by your current profile - that is, presuming that you have not customized the screen set by editing it and adding Lua code.  The PMDX-424 sample profile and the newer versions of the "PMDX-Sample" profile use the "wx4.set" screen set, whereas the old "PMDX-Sample" profile used the "wxMach.set" screen set.

Open Mach4 then go to the "View" menu and select "Load Screen".  When the "Select Screen File" dialog appears, change into the "Screens" directory and select "wx4.set".  Then click on "Open".  You should be all set.

This change in screen sets was mentioned in the release notes for the last couple of SmartBOB plug-in releases.  If you haven't updated your plug-in in a while, I suggest heading over to and download the latest version.  Specifically, if you are not running plug-in version 0.41.205 (from 26 May 2016) or higher, please upgrade.  There were several significant bug fixes in that release.


I'm also hoping you can comment on the availability of Gantry Squaring.

Gantry squaring is still a little ways out.  There are a couple of features currently in the works that need to be released first.  When we do get to gantry squaring, the first versions to support it will likely rely on the home switches being positioned such that they define "square" (or "square enough").  The ability to enter different offsets from each home switch may come later.  Or not :)  We won't know until we get to designing/writing the code for this.


I would recommend using the PMDX-104 (  This is a 4-channel relay board that can switch up to 5 amps per relay.

There is also our PMDX-105 (, which is a 4-channel optical isolator/translator board that can switch up to 150mA per output.  This would require you to add external "catch" diodes across your pneumatic switches, unless the switches have these diodes built-in to them.


I just double-checked the motor/driver users manual (from the link you provided, click on "user manual" in the upper left corner).  The "On/Off" terminals need to be NOT CONNECTED in order to enable the motors.  See page 3 of the manual, near the bottom, to the right of table 3.  It says:

On/Off: Active - off
           Inactive (open) - on  <-- THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED

So...  disconnect the +5V from the "On/Off+" terminal and you should be able to make the motors move.


To close out this thread, there appeared to be 2 issues (which Atom did most of the work figuring out):

(1) Interference from a combination of power line Ethernet adapters and wireless access points in use in the house.

(2) Electrical noise from the VFD


And when motors move in negative axis then direction LED on pmdx-126 ON.
Good.  And when the motors move in the positive direction do the direction LEDs (pins 3, 5, 7 and 9) go off?

And step LED also ON in both positive and negative axis.
Is this the "step" LED(s) on the PMDX-126 (i.e. LEDs for pins 2, 4, 6 and 8)?  Or is this the "steps" LED on the PMDX-410 or the PMDX-126 that flickers when generating step pulses?

I would not expect you to be able to see any LED activity for the step pulses on the PMDX126's pin 2, 4, 6 and 8 LEDs.  The step pulses are too narrow.  At best, you might be able to see a dim glow on those LEDs when that motor is moving.

If you ARE talking about the PMDX-126 LEDs for pins 2, 4, 6 and 8, *AND* if they are one (bright) always, then something is wrong.

Now today I checked the only x-axis motor which was moving before, showing the same behaviour like others. and also the motors are not moving in pmdx "test mode"
Are your motors connected to the drive mechanisms on your machine (such as ball screws, pulleys, gears, etc.)?  Or can the motors rotate without moving the machine?

Do you know if the slave motor on your X axis gantry needs to rotate in the same direction as the master?  Or in the opposite direction?

If the motors are connected to the drive mechanisms then you will not be able to move just the X master motor (or slave motor) very far before the gantry jams.

You currently have the Motor0 and Motor3 (the X master and slave motors) set to turn in the same direction.  If you need the X slave motor to turn in the opposite direction from the X master motor, then you need to do one of these two things:
(1) Change the wiring between the motor driver and the motor such that the slave motor turns in the opposite direction.  You can simply swap the two wires from one of the phases.

(2) Or, change the direction polarity for Motor3 (the slave) motor.  Go into the "Configure" menu and select "Mach...".  Click on the "Motors" tab.  Click on the "Motor3" text in the upper right corner.  Then check the "Reverse?" box down at the bottom.  Then click on "OK" to save the changes.

For test mode for the X axis master motor (pins 2 & 3), the PMDX-126 DIP switches should be:
Config6   closed
Config5   closed
Config4   closed
Config3   open
Config2   open
Config1   open

For the Y axis motor (pins 4 & 5):
Config6   closed
Config5   closed
Config4   open
Config3   open
Config2   open
Config1   open

For the Z axis motor (pins 6 & 7):
Config6   closed
Config5   open
Config4   closed
Config3   open
Config2   open
Config1   open

And for the X axis slave motor (pins 8 & 9):
Config6   closed
Config5   open
Config4   open
Config3   open
Config2   open
Config1   open

When trying to have Mach4 move the motors, make sure the DIP switches are like this:
Config6   closed (presuming you are not using any of the PMDX-126 aux features)
Config5   closed
Config4   closed

Config3   closed
Config2   closed
Config1   closed
Config3 to Config1 "closed" selects "Run in Normal Mode" (without charge pump), since it looks like your Mach4 config does not enable the charge pump output.


First, please create a profile package as mentioned in my previous message and either post it to this forum thread, or email it to me at bob at this domain.

I checked the step pulse and direction signal which motors receive but motors shaft do not move.
How did you check the step and direction signals?

when i connect the x-axis control cable to rest of three motors individually it run properly. so should the cables are not working
properly or the motors.
Do you mean that you took the cable that is connected to J4 on the PMDX-126, disconnected it from the X axis motor and connected that cable (still attached to J4) to the Y, Z and X Slave motors?  And when you did this, all of the other motors ran OK?

If that is the case, it most likely means one of these things:
- The wiring for the other 3 motors is different somehow than the main X axis motor
- The PMDX-411 is not working properly
- The PMDX-126 is not working properly

The SmartBOB plug-in configuration assigns step signals either to pins 2, 4, 6 and 8 (i.e. even pins), *or* to 3, 5, 7 and 9 (odd pins).  Since you have things working on PMDx-126 connector J4 with step on pin 2, that means that the other step signals are pin 4 (on J3), pin 6 (on J2) and pin 8 (on J1).

So....  to try and figure out what is wrong:
- I presume the Y axis is mapped to Mach4 Motor1, which appears on PMDX-126 J3, pins 4 and 5.
- Jog the Y axis in the positive direction, then stop.
- Look at the LED on the PMDX-126 board next to the "Pin 5" terminal on J3.  Note whether it is on or off.
- Jog the Y axis in the negative direction, then stop.
- Look at the "Pin 5" LED again.  It should have changed.  If it was on after jogging +, then it should now be off.
  If it was off after jogging + then it should now be on.

Do you see that?

Now disconnect the cable from J4 on the PMDX-126 and connect it to J3.  Try to jog that axis (again, I am presuming that this is the Y axis).  Does the X axis motor move?

Take the motor cable that *was* connected to J3 on the PMDX-126 and connect it to J4.  Jog the X axis.  Does this motor now move?


The problem is that #4 drive does not move but it has power.  The motor does move in the test mode
As Steve asked: is this "test mode" the PMDX-126's built-in test mode?  If the PMDX-126 test mode is able to move the motor, then it is most likely a Mach3 configuration issue (still), SmoothStepper or ribbon cable (SS to PMDX-126) issue.

and when I plug into another driver it will move.
I'm not sure what you mean.  Do you mean when you plug another Gecko driver into the 4th position on the PMDX-134?  Or do you mean that when you unplug the motor from the 4th position and plug it into the 1st, 2nd or 3rd position the motor turns?

Have you tried swapping Gecko drivers?  For example, swap the gecko drivers between the 3rd and 4th positions.  Does the problem stay in the 4th position?  Or does it move to the 3rd position?

You can also use the LEDs on the PMDX-126 to help diagnose things.  PMDX-126 connector J1 has screw terminals and LEDs for the parallel port pins 8 & 9.  You may not be able to see the step pulses on the pin 9 LED, but you can see the direction signal.  Jog the A axis one direction and see if the "Pin 8" LED is on or off.  Then jog the other direction and check the "Pin 8" LED.  If should have changed from "on" to "off", or from "off" to "on".  If that works, then go into Config->Ports & Pins and assign the A axis direction to pin 9 (temporarily), and step to pin 8.  Re-run the above test looking at the "Pin 9" LED.  It should change when you change jog directions.  Restore the A config to step on pin 9 and direction on pin 8.


I've split your question off into a separate thread.

It does sound like a wiring or setup problem.  BUT... I need some more information.

(1) You mention Mach4 - what motion device are you using (i.e. one of the PMDX SmartBOBs?  Ethernet SmoothStepper?  Darwin driver for parallel port?  Something else?)?

(2) I presume from your earlier posts that you have a PMDX-126/PMDX-107 combo.  Is that correct? Do you also have a PMDX-134?  Please list all of the boards and motor drivers that you are using and how they are connected to each other.

(3) You say you are using "lan cables" for the "control cables".  Do you mean that you are using Ethernet cables connect the step and direction signals from the PMDX-126 to your motor drivers?

(4) Since you are using Mach4, please create a profile package and post it here.  Go to the "Help" menu and select "Support" and then "Package Current Profile".


You have the step and direction pins for the 4th axis swapped.  For X, Y and Z the step signals are on odd pins (3,5,7) and direction is on even pins (2,4,6), but on the A axis you have step on 8 and direction on 9.  Swap those so that axis A step is on 9 and direction is on 8.


At a high level the problem screams noise, but the weird firmware behavior and randomness with no environment changes have me puzzled.
Definitely a possible cause.  And I realized that I glassed over the "start the spindle" phrase in your first post.  Usually that is a red flag for me.  What kind of spindle motor and control are you using?  How are you turning the spindle on and off (and controlling direction, if you do that)?  I see in your earlier posts that you are (or were) using a PMDX-126 and G540.  Is that still the case?


That *is* some bizarre behavior.  The "Invalid or unkown PMDX-SmartBOB-USB device found" should only be displayed when you try to enable Mach4 (by clicking on the "Enable" button).  As best I can tell it should never be generated while running a GCode file.  And with the two firmware versions begin reported, it almost sounds like you have 2 installations of Mach4 each with a different version of our plug-in.

FYI, when you get a "cannot communicate with device" error, the most reliable recovery process is to shut down Mach4, unplug the SmartBOB from the USB (or for the PMDX-424, unplug the AC/DC power supply.  Then reconnect the SmartBOB, wait 15 seconds and then restart Mach4.

So, here is what I would like  you to do.  Start Mach4 and enable our plug-in's debug log file as described in item (5) of the SmartBOB FAQ (  Exit Mach4, then restart it.  Try running your GCode file and see if you can replicate any of these problems.  When you can replicate a problem, disable the plug-in's debug log file as per the FAQ, then create a "profile package" as per the FAQ and either post that here or email it to me at bob at this domain.


Well, I was hoping to have the PMDX-407 User's Manual rewrite finished by today, but we are still editing things.  So here are two relevant images.

The first image shows the recommended PMDX-122 jumper configuration and PWM signal connections to the PMDX-407-S.  Note that we recommend using the "charge pump" facility on the PMDX-122.  When using an external motion controller such as the UC100 (or any of the PMDX SmartBOB boards... shameless plug if you want to run Mach4) this is less critical than if you are connecting the PMDX-122 directly to a PC parallel port.  The image shows parallel port pin 16 as the PWM signal.  You may also use pin 14.  And if you are not using the "charge pump" feature, you may use pin 17 (presuming the UC100 supports PWM on this pin).  If you decide to use pin 17 for the PWM signal, change PMDX-122 jumpers JP1 to "normal" and JP3 to "Not EStop/Fault".

The second image shows the connections from the PMDX-407-S (and 122) to a typical VFD.  In order to be able to control the spindle direction you must use the relay on the PMDX-122 board as shown.  Map the Mach "spindle reverse" signal to parallel port pin 1 and make it "active high" (a red "X" in the "active low" column).

If you are already using the PMDX-122 relay for something else, you will need an external relay single pole double throw relay (i.e. with both "normally open" and "normally closed" connections) that can be controlled by a logic-level output.  Or (more likely) use a solid state relay (, for example) to switch AC voltage to the mechanical relay's coil.  Let me know if you are already using the PMDX-122's relay for something else.

Configure the PWM signal for a frequency of 100 Hz.


I'll have something for you sometime on Thursday.


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