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Messages - The Contractor

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So I was thinking and to save inputs I was wondering if it would work if I run my N/C sensors in series.   

Thanks for the tip that make complete sense.  I have been slowly building this CNC now for a while and bought though sensor long before I decided on a BOB. I probably would not have caught that until it caused huge problems. I should have enough inputs to separate these. I may just replace them with N/O. I will have to do a little more research on what will actually work better or if it really make any difference.   

Thanks Steve, I can not seem to find any other info on these sensors other then:

Wire Type:3 Wire Type (Black, Brown, Blue). Switch Appearance Type: Cylinder Type
Output Type: NPN NC(Normal Close). Supply Voltage: DC 6-36V.Current Output: 300mA
Diameter of Head: 18mm. Detecting Distance: 8mm. Response Frequency: 100Hz
Detect Object: Iron. Operating Temperature: -25°C to +55°C (Non-freezing Condition)

But it sounds like I should be OK without adding an external power supply. So that's good news. I have been avoiding installing these sensors because I wasn't sure if they would draw to much current.   

so these are the NPN sensors:
DC 6-36V 300mA NPN NC 8mm Tubular Inductive Proximity Sensor
I am using 5 total, 2 for Y 2 for X and 1 for slaved A this combined with the PMDX 107 drawing 80mA and 3 external Status LEDS 6mA each this seem to me as if it could overload the transformer so I am thinking it my be better just to use external power for my sensors especially because max on J11 & J12 is 250mA. However I could be wrong and I just want to make sure so I don't smoke my PMDX 126

I recently purchased a PMDX 126, 107 And a Warp9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper. What I am trying to do is install my NPN 3 wire style sensors. The two questions I have are.
1.  Are all the GND pins on J12 connected to each other in other words can i run 1 ground from a terminal block that has all of the sensors GND attached to it. or dose each sensor need it own GND
2.  From what I see in the 126c user's manual the boards max amps out for 12v and 5v is 250ma on J11 and J12. My question is dose J11 and J12 pull power from J18. because I am running a 107 from J18 do my NPN sensors need to have there own power supply. I am powering my ESS from a 5v din rail supply. I do have 12v din that runs the enclosure fans and could use it to power my NPN sensors if needed.

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