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Messages - ChrisM

Pages: [1]
Thanks again for the replies guys.   Hey Bob... I guess that is the issue...  There is not anywhere to input the PWM frequency in the damn ESS Mach4 plugin.  The amount of wasted time everyone spends really sucks.  Anyhoo with what you said in mind about setting the frequency my searches came up with this document.;topic=29989.0   Funny that its a print page link but I'm sure we can navigate to the actual post if we want to.  So by going to the machine.ini file in the Mach directory and searching PWM in it I found that it was set at 1000.  I changed the 1000 to 50 and presto! It worked!   Crazy stuff that they don't have a box that edits that entry in the plugin after all this time. 

Thanks again for all the help on this issue... I'm sure I'll have a couple more items before I'm done.   :)


Thanks for the reply Steve...

I got the spindle working correctly via the test button.  I'll list connections for anybody's future reference.

Agnd - COM on VFD
Aout - AVI on VFD
Aref - Not Used
COM - Second COM on VFD (there are two COM terminals and they continuity test as being the same)
Fwd/Run - X1 on VFD
Rev/Dir - X2 on VFD

So i've tried for quite some time to get it working with Mach 4 but have not been successful.  It starts to move and hums then stops moving but keeps humming.  I've tried a lot of combinations of speeds and settings of course.  I'm attaching some pictures and a video link of how the spindle is behaving in Mach.  Again it works perfectly by using the 107 test button.


     I of course have not been able to find any info online about this VFD.  I have it running correctly right now using the controls on the VFD itself. My machine I?m working on includes a PMDX-126 (rev. C) along with a PMDX-107 to control my 3kw spindle and a ESS SmoothStepper.  I want to verify the connection of the 107 to my VFD if you all can take a look for me. 

PMDX-107 vfd speed control relay board to VFD ? change VFD configuration P065 to ???

Make sure dip switch 6 to off for 10v setting

?Agnd? on PMDX-107 to COM terminal on VFD
?Aout? on PMDX-107 to ?AVI? (0-10v) on VFD
"COM" on PMDX-107 to "   " on VFD
?Aref? on PMDX-107 (NOT USED?)
?FWD/RUN? on PMDX-107 to ?X1? on VFD
?REV/DIR? on PMDX-107 to ?X2? on VFD

I'm not quite sure about these or what configuration I'm supposed to set my VFD to on P064 and P065.

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