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Messages - PaulC.

Pages: [1]
Thanks alot Bob, that cleared it up. I seem to be running into a problem of the slave axis, and the y axis getting out of sync when trying to home. It gets pretty violent, I have them both set with their own home/ limit switches, and the same homing speed and direction. I've been reading posts all over the web about this problem, but haven't found a definitive answer. You guys have any ideas?

Thanks so much for all the help!

Thanks so much Steve, this was indeed the case. I can now move the motors, however everything seems to be screwy. None of the axis controls seem to be correct, with even my 2 y axis motors being driven separately by the x and y axis controls, and my x axis being controlled by the z axis controls. I should mention I did not originally wire this machine, so I hope these arent dumb questions, but is there a way to get both y-axis motors controlled by the same pins, or is this something I need to do in mach 3? also should I rewire these motor connectors to be in the right places?

again thank you very much!

Hello, I have a first generation shopbot that was converted, and is now being run by a pmdx-126, with a pmdx-107, and pmdx-134 controlling my g230v stepper drivers. I recently had the hardrive fail on the control computer i was using, and have started fresh with new os, and new load of mach 3. I have been able to get my e-stop, and limit switches set up, and communicating with the computer, but have not been able to get my motors to step.

When I set everything back up, I used the provided pin locations from the 134's manual (step 3,5,7 and direction 2,4,6), but so far have not been able to get the motors to step. Any help or insight you guys might have would be greatly appreciated!

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