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Messages - joe45

Pages: [1]
Hi there. I am currently wrapping up my first CNC lathe conversion from the trusty WM280V. I have the everything mounted, and all that is left is to set up the spindle control, the axis motors work perfectly. I have had little luck controlling the spindle speed with M03 & M04 codes, however they can change direction. As it appears, by either having the spindle PWM on either active low or high, I can have the spindle run flat out or dead slow, but with no change using gcode at all. For example I would use M03 S500, depending on the settings it will either be 2300rpm (Max) or 50rpm (Min). I have tried playing with the ports and pins settings on both Mach4 and the ESS with no luck. The test function on the PMDX107 does control the spindle, but the '30%' threshold runs a lot less than it should.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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