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Messages - courter

Pages: [1]
Resolution, In my setup (above) it appears the Pulley Selection/Min Speed Config must be set at 0 rather than the spindle minimum (AN002 Page 6). Now reads close to M3Sxxx Commands and can be fine tuned with calibration Pot. 

Warp9 had a 6 year old 25 page post which mentioned this issue. Thanks to all, Edward

Thanks for the help.    I'm up and running with one glitch?   I have a 12000 rpm spindle and the M3S12000 command is spot on(Aout 9.7V)....S10,000 little low (Aout 7.6V)=9,528RPM and progressively lower until ...S6000(Aout 3.3V)=4,128 RPM ...S4000(Aout 1.1)=1,356RPM?

Tuning went good (100% 30%), VFD is responding well.
S6000 command should output 5V. I'm either providing the 107 with a bad signal or its processing a good signal poorly. Happy new Year

Mach3 .062
ESS A-V10-f1
PMDX 125 C
PMDX 107 S39272 D1 All Dip Currently OFF, Aref not used.
Checked and Rechecked AN002 13 August 2012
My instincts are to set up a truth table and run, but my instincts are often bad, Edward

Hi, Two Questions;  If I can configure my 107 and Huanyang GT VFD to work in "Run/Direction" mode, can I use Port 1 Pin 14 for something else?  On Table 1 (pg 9) of the "PMDX-107 Manual" a reference is made to J8 ("direction determined by J8"), which I can not find? Thanks Edward

Thank for the help,  I have proximity limits now but they are too susceptible to temperature and I need to do "on the fly " re-homings during very long millings (open loop machine).

I will proceed using the drawing in 6.1 PMDX/C ,"Normally Open Switches" and run a ground bonding loop to the carriages. Thanks again, Edward

I am planning to try some spring pins (pogo pins) for my XYZ home switches. Can the machine frame be used as a negative conductor for a spring pin connected to the 126 input terminals (normally open config).... Or does this ground need to be isolated? 

Some Arduino applications use a resistor in a loop to the terminal and just short out the circuit with the pin to ground (machine frame). Is this better, or better yet does anyone have a proven method that has been used successfully.  I could also run an additional isolated ground from the board to the pin landing if needed? Thanks

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