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Messages - janz99

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General Discussion / CNC Mill Conversion
« on: April 21, 2016, 07:40:11 PM »
Hi guys,

I have a G0704 mill that I am looking to convert to CNC and I was hoping to get some advice on some of the electronics to do the conversion.  Here is a run down of the major components, hopefully I can get some advice on weather this setup looks ok.

570oz X & Y steppers
906oz Z stepper

I haven't figured out what drivers I am going to use, so if you have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.  I would prefer stand alone digital drivers and this point, unless there is a better alternative.  Your PDMX-137 power supply, will this be enough for my current needs/planned setup?

I am was looking at your PMDX-126 for a breakout board, and then using an Ethernet smooth stepper.  Would I need another board if I wanted to control spindle speed with the 126? For now I have the factory motor on the machine, but eventually this will be upgraded to a 3phase motor and VFD. 

I would also like to build a 4th axis for this machine down the road. I figured I would mention this in case in makes a difference in component selection.  Other then home/limit switches, an e-stop, cables and wiring, is there any other key components I may be missing? 


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