« on: January 18, 2015, 11:49:15 AM »
I am currently running my PMDX 422/407 combination into a patch board with LEDs to verify outputs. As a test program I created code (Vectric Aspire) and confirmed it runs clean in Mach3. It contains around 3800 lines of code most running at a feed rate of 30ipm to carve a 3?x3? model. I have found I need to adjust my G-Code motion buffer setting to 1000 to prevent overrun errors around 800 to 1000 lines in. This concerns me since I am at the upper limit of the available setting. Also there is the inference of poorer performance the higher it is set. I am not sure if that is so.
I am currently using a multipurpose laptop running W7 Pro. While I am not intentionally running anything in the background it has not been cleaned like I would expect a machine controller to be. My question is, is this buffer setting alarming? Does it indicate I need to be selective when I set up a computer as a controller? Should I be uncomfortable running at the limit?
Thanks, Charlie