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Messages - CNC Noob

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Is it best to just set trimpot at the 30% (2nd button press) ?

This is all good information thank you.


 Using the DMM reading from AGND and AOUT I was able to narrow problem down to my controller settings. There was a low limiter setting at 60hz that kept the minimum at 3600 rpm. Not sure if the previous controller was able to run at lower than 3600 with that set or it was adjusted inadvertently or defaulted, but I'm not complaining.

 Next question. Is it possible to run my spindle at a commanded rpm of say 15,000 THEN adjust the trimpot down to match exact speed while it is running to dial it in more precisely or does it not work that way or is that 'a no-no' safety-wise?

 Thank you for your help.


 Just got a chance to look at the machine settings and collect some data.

 What I have failed to mention before is that my machine is quite large and you are correct, I would need another person helping me to do the DIM to BRIGHT led check.  With that said, In setting up the machine with PMDX-107 initially I did the self test/calibration best I could without any help as well. I did expect to not have RPMs exactly correct until I was able to get some help and fine tune it. My min RPM problem does not appear to be caused by the trimpot unless you tell me otherwise.

However I'm assuming that the mal-adjusted trim pot setting is the cause of the following skewed selected speed to actual RPM which by the way is reading...

s3000  =  3621
S3100  =  3743
S3200  =  3863
S3300  =  3989
S3400  =  4107
S3500  =  4217
S4000  =  4839
S4500  =  5439
S5000  =  6048
S5500  =  6655
S6000  =  7263
...and so on to 18,000 rpm

But my main concern is the lower RPM which as an example is still running at any speed S25 thru S2900 = Spindle speed 3600 exactly.

Did check the "Minimum PWM field" it was set to 1, I set it to zero, no change, then set to higher numbers, still no change. So I set it back to zero.

 As my PWM appears to be running at 20% minimum, please look over my wiring in previous message and my attached picture of mach settings and my .XML file really close and see if anything jumps out at you. My spindle drive manual is also attached on previous message.
 Perhaps it simply needs to be wired differently than others or I made a stupid mistake somewhere along the way.


 Have been retrofitting a machine and have been stuck on a problem for just WAY, WAY too long. Somewhere on this forum there are Q&As with Bob & Steve helping me while trying to connect my spindle back in the spring/summer. Tried to reply to it but I guess the topic is closed or something. So .... here goes again.

 Everything else is connected and working properly except for controlling the spindle speed am still in desperate need of help on that. Only thing I can think to do is rip everything out and start from scratch with fresh information.

Here is what I am running.

-  MACH 3 (latest rev)
-  ESS - Ethernet Smooth Stepper
-  PMDX-126
-  PMDX-107
-  A/C Servo drives on X,Y&Z (working)
-  GE/FUJI AF-300E$ spindle drive w/ 18,000 rpm 10hp colombo spindle.

I've been able to get my Mach3 setup pretty far along for someone who doesn't know the first thing about electronics, but please disregard that thought. I really need a remedial lesson in the simplest form.

Thinking the problem is the PMDX-107. But not sure. YES I did perform the spindle test/adjustment.
My spindle is wired and set according to the PMDX-107 Manual and all the software is set according to the AN002 addendum as far as I can tell. Have played with the numbers and pulley ratios etc, but it never seems to change things. All settings are back to original recommendations.

There has been NO changes to my spindle drive firmware since connected to the previous controller. As this is a retrofit, the spindle has worked properly on the old controller and have seen it run myself even at a fairly low RPM.

My problem is that the spindle will not run on my mach 3 setup at anything less than exactly 3600 rpm. It will go up to max RPM, but there does not seem to be any science to the RPM after 3600. And it appears to run high, not low.

 Don't know if I have wired something wrong, set something wrong in Mach, set something wrong in my ESS or should have put in some resistors or what???

Attached are some pics that may be relevant.

Ok, Back to messing with my spindle after a summer of working in other areas of the machine.
Pully ratios appear to have no effect on my actual spindle speed. Can't get my spindle to run
at anything less than 3600 rpm. The previous controller that I replaced with the PMDX-126 &
107, ESS & Mach3 would start the spindle much lower. 100 rpm as an example. The spindle
motor itself says it's capable of 24,000 RPM MAX, but think it only really goes to 18,000 RPM.

 Is there a setting in the PMDX, ESS or Mach3 where I can adjust the minimum RPM to lower
than 3600 RPM? Tried everything I can see in all the settings all over Mach3. Won't budge any
lower than 3600 RPM. Maybe I am missing something.

Ok, Back to messing with my spindle after a summer of working in other areas of the machine.
Pully ratios appear to have no effect on my actual spindle speed. Can't get my spindle to run
at anything less than 3600 rpm. The previous controller that I replaced with the PMDX-126 &
107, ESS & Mach3 would start the spindle much lower. 100 rpm as an example. The spindle
motor itself says it's capable of 24,000 RPM MAX, but think it only really goes to 18,000 RPM.

 Is there a setting in the PMDX, ESS or Mach3 where I can adjust the minimum RPM to lower
than 3600 RPM? Tried everything I can see in all the settings all over Mach3. Won't budge any
lower than 3600 RPM. Maybe I am missing something.

"Before I get to your questions, I want to confirm that the issues you've reported in your previous posts have been fixed.  If not, let me know what is still causing problems."  Yes. They have been fixed.

Also switch is set to "ratiometric mode".
Think I am only down to figuring out the pulley ratio adjustments in Mach3.



 Your clear and concise troubleshooting has pointed out that I suffer from severe ADD, ADHD, HDTV, R2D2 and dyslexia.
You have wonderful products and great knowledge.

Next burning question.   Is my wiring correct or do I have too many wires connected for the mode I am in?  [0V to 10V mode]

I'm referring to PMDX-107 manual pg. 8 of 18.

Not sure if my wiring is correct or I should be running in 'ratiometric mode' or '0V to 10V mode' with different or same wiring.


I'm using K2 relay to enable & disable my drives with charge pump status.
 But when I run a program the K2 relay is switching off when the spindle starts. It is disabling my drives.
Have switches, ports,pins & settings set to the recommendations in AN002. All seems to work up until the spindle comes on.
I know it must be something simple, but I have burned myself out and overlooked something.

What related settings do you recommend for my set-up?
ESS Smooth Stepper, PMDX-126 & PMDX-107 with switches, ports,pins & settings set to the recommendations in AN002



 Thank you for your input. I have since updated my version of Mach 3 and that may have solved the high RPMs. Yes I did do the manual spindle run from controller and spindle test/calibrate procedure on the PMDX-107.

 Spindle seems to come on when executing a program, but doesn't come on when I click the 'SPINDLE CW F5'. It does highlight yellow around it, but only after I click the round RESET BUTTON in the spindle box does the spindle actually come on. (NOT the main Mach3 reset button).

 I am using the charge pump relay on PMDX-126 to enable/disable my X,Y&Z drives. Not for machine power. Could this be a problem?

CNC Noob


 When I click the 'Spindle CW F5' button in Mach3 the spindle at first does nothing. It isn't until I also hit the 'reset' button that it comes on.
It revs a crazy high speed and says 833% on the spindle override. I can tweak its settings and get the number down and get the spindle turning at a slower speed but the seems no method to its madness. Sometimes I think it even goes backwards. Even when I uncheck 'reversing'.

 The biggest problem I see is when I start a program that turn on the spindle it faults my drives. That looks to be an 'over current' error due to ramping down after a rapid. But does not do that when the spindle is disabled. Also appears not to do it as much if I mess with setting and the spindle turns counter-clockwise.

Understanding that a lot my problems probably has to do with my overall motor-tuning and gearing, but what I still don't understand is what my spindle is.

I have wired it as in the last picture diagram and set it up specifically according to your application notes AN002. But is that a correct starting point for me?
Is it possible that I have too many wires connected?
Is my 10hp, 3phase 24000 rpm spindle/controller considered a PWM, PID, STEP/DIR, RUN/DIRECTION, FORWARD/REVERSE, VSD, VSF, VFD ????

Given my setup, are there more real world numbers and setting that I should start with other than what is called out in the AN002 that you could recommend?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

I did wire the PMDX-107 according to the picture, but feel it still may be wrong for my drive because the only thing that happens when I do the '30 second hold & release' of the TEST button is the readout on the drive changes from like .03 to 300.00. Spindle doesn't turn.

 Was I wrong to set the DIP switch according to figure #3 on page 8 of PMDX-107 install manual?
The manual also mentions PWM, VSD & VFD but only shows wiring diagram for VSD. ???

My problem is that I have no idea what the terminology for my spindle controller is or how to properly control it with what I am using.
Is it a PWM, A VSD or a VFD?
Is my wiring diagram even correct?


Can someone tell me if the attached wiring is correct?
I have a machine down. Dying here.


Need help with wiring PMDX-107 to my Fuji / GE AF-300E$ spindle drive.

Also have the other box [pictured] Not sure what it does or if it should connect to PMDX-107 or not.

Spindle drive manual attached

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Need help with wiring PMDX-107 to my Fuji / GE AF-300E$ spindle drive.

Also have the other box [pictured] Not sure what it does or if it should connect to PMDX-107 or not.

Spindle drive manual attached

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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