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Messages - bizionb

Pages: [1]
Anyway I readed a post in this forum written by Todd, and after taking voltage measures i also added a resistor per sensor pin. 1k ohm instead 470ohm was good to have a pullup in 5v port with a resistor bridge

Thanks mr12strings... 😊😏 I solved and i will post my update with screenshot.
In first i had a problem on port number.
Mach3 sending alarm and error  that was 2 or more sensors on same pin,
so i fix it and i let only home sensors in use on input configuration without x-- z++ etc...because i could change sensor/and home direction in "motorhome/limitsensor menĂ¹.
That sensor with inverse voltage in open or closed mode has been solved leting to it a green sign on activelow input
and x red sign on others sensors, x and z sensors without activelow

sensors data:
24 DC v
(Y axis different Brand and 2mm distance for contact instead 4mm those on X and Z axis)

Please see  in pics Mach3 configuration for X,Y,Z axis ,
where is my error?

touching sensor X or Z (13 and 11 port on Pdmx126b) led decrease light as sign that it feels metal contact.
touching Y sensor (port 12) led lights on only at metal contact .

I have only a cable per axis (in ports 11,12,13) not in GND.
Ground (black cable) is in port GND of 15set (15 empty).
24v+(red wire) is in port 12V+.

sensors are on machine limit X-, Y-, Z+  as homemachine.
and in mach3 I add ActiveLow option but I don't know why I should use it.
Anyway (with or without active low) motors cannot be stopped (in dro view and I think on machine also)
by sensors when I launch "Go to Origin Axis/Machine" from Mach3.

I never use Mach3 and I don't know if "Software limits" can modify sensors work or if that can be other Mach3configuration.

Thanks Steve for the perfect answer, I live in Italy,
As an urgent need now to run the machine even with manual spindles, speeds at that point imposed on mach3 before ignition, I seem to have understood
without giving it gcode speeds that can not be read.
Do i need the 125 126 plugin file or else would this help me with many parameters to set up?

at last, thank you again, the file from cam (artcam) for mach3 has a file format preferences, about reading or precision?

I probably will need again help about installing mach3 ...

I had to replace a cnc card  (DSP 0501 system) with a PMDX 126 B.
I connected 4 axis and 220V,
I need to connect Spindle motor for milling.
As seen in the photos was set in J7 with the pin of the card 0501 named S0 S1 S2 and Sp- ie off, on and programmed speeds and finally the phase -

 Where could I connect spindle cables on the 126b? J5 A,B,C,gnd?

The x y z c axis connections (5v,pulse,dir) seem right but how do I have to set mach3 without ever using it? Will the plugin file for boards 125 / 125 help me completely?
There is a normal connection to the computer parallel port .


(drivers are called QJ8060 and motors are nema34 6A and 4,5A, Spindle Colombo 3,7kw with Xinfutai inverter)

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