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Messages - ToadSprockett

Pages: [1]
I know this has been asked before, so please bear with me (I did search for a bit). I have an old K2CNC machine, it still works great, the controller is parallel based. With the Windows 10 parallel port debacle, and machines no longer supporting the port, I need to start looking at new solutions without having to completely rewire the CNC controller.

Would the PMDX manage the communication between the CNC Controller and Mach? I assume there is a good bit of setup for the interface, the problem the K2 machines is they are no longer around to help. I could do a breakout board but the one they have in there now is hand made, and I'm not sure I have the skills to just pull it out. The machine uses a Gecko g320 DC Servo Drive, and my assumption is that a breakout board would not be hard, I just don't understand the controller electronics, I just run the machine :)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You.

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