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Messages - JW

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I'm receiving an error when attempting probing calibration -  "PMDX: No synchronized position from motion planner"

Mach - build 4300
PMDX - 0.53.263
PMDX 422
Windows 10, 64-bit, i5-8400

The error asserts following the first probing hit during the offset calibration. I have tried a number of probing setting combinations to include overshoot, tolerance, probing speeds, etc. I have been using the 422 for a number of years and this is my first attempt at probing. I updated the mach build and PMDX firmware recently in an attempt to remove the probing error.

Thanks, Jim


Second update: I think I can safely say the problem is gone. I have run a few thousand lines of G code trouble free. The electrical noise seems to have been the culprit. I rerouted the power lines and ensured plenty of clearance on all signal wiring (VFD and stepper motors).

I think the E-stop problem was due to the fact that the communication was interrupted. The E-stop signal to the 422 is working as advertised now (spindle signal off, RPM to 0 once reset).

As always, thanks for the helpful and timely advice!



Spoke too soon...The problem is back again at a random point in the G code (albeit a bit further into the G code when it happened last). I'll try to reroute wiring to try and rule out any noise issues. Is there anyway to diagnose communication issues with the 422? I have tried two different computers so I don't believe the issue is in the usb hardware on the primary computer.



Update:  I put on a new motor pulley (different diameter), re-calibrated the VFD analog voltage input, calibrated the 407 max rpm pot, and now everything seems to be working normal. My previous settings for the previous size pulley (VFD, 407, mach max spindle speed) may have caused the problems.

Thanks for the help!



Thanks for the reply. I had a chance to test some more tonight. Good news is the stepper motors are running fine with the 422. With the VFD unconnected, the stepper motors worked as advertised during the same g code run.

The setup is indeed 2336 with 0.25.111. Like you say, the issue seems to be related to the VFD and possibly the 407. I currently have the VFD on/off/rev signal supplied by the 422 via an off board relay. The 407 only controls the speed signal to the VFD (the 407 run light is continuously on - prior post).

More info...The last couple of times the g code has frozen is the line just following a spindle start/speed command. When this occurs, using the stop or disable commands through mach will not stop or slow the spindle. When I use the e-stop (connected to both VFD and 422) the motor will stop and the 422 receives the e-stop condition but when I reset the e-stop the motor will start right back up to the speed selected prior to initiating the e-stop. I was under the impression that an e-stop condition to the 422/mach would direct a spindle off/baseline speed command? At this point If I try to direct a spindle stop through MDI, mach will stop responding.

The VFD, control electronics, and wiring have not been moved since first run and no new equipment in the garage. I will take a good luck at my VFD wiring and settings to make sure they are not causing the problem.

Thanks again for all the help!


I have been using the 422 with mach4 for a few months now. It has been running well except for a problem with the spindle speed control (407) a few months back (earlier post). I am now having a problem when I run G code. The G code will begin to run and then freeze in seemingly random places. At this point, I am unable to stop the run or to disable (mach4 not responding with a corresponding unable to disable-communication error in the history).

I have tried with two different mach4 builds with two different pmdx vers (2236,2238 and 0.17.86,0.25.111) with same results. I have tried two different G code loads (both which I've run error free multiple times with this same setup before). I have tried with two different computers (both running the same version of mach).

Jogging of the three axis is still working fine. Of note, when I run the G code with the stepper drivers depowered the g code seems to run through ok.



Update...My beloved wife informed me that my laptop took a tumble last week (while not hooked up to the 422). Apparently it hit on the corner by the USB port I have been using to plug into the 422. The USB connection is very sketchy now and I think the 422 was having communication issues when it was plugged into that port. I inadvertently switched usb ports while troubleshooting leading to more confusion as to why the 422 was working under certain circumstances. I believe the 407 RUN LED issue resulted from a shorted usb connection at some point.

Everything else on the 422/407 seems to be working fine when plugged into another USB port on the laptop (still have the 407 RUN on). I have hooked up output 14 of the 422 to an off board relay for the FWD spindle command. The REV is still using the relay on the 422. Everything is working as need to adjust the start freq at the VFD. 

I haven't found any other issues yet. Crossing my fingers.


The combo is able to control the speed with varying "S" commands and will reverse with "M4" command. The RUN led indeed will remain on with mach4 shut down.

- The 407 is correctly aligned on the 422.
- The JP1 on the 422 is set to on.
- 24V (COM) from the VFD is routed to the J2 COM. The RUN on the 407 is routed to the COM on the 422 relay. The FWD signal to the VFD is from the NC on the 422. The RV signal to the VFD is from the NO signal on the 422 relay. The VFD signal inputs are in sink logic with the absence of FWD/REV signal as a stop signal. The relay on the 422 is set to pin 1 for the rev command. Currently, I don't have an output signal set for the FWD command in mach4.

Everything was working fine when I ran it a week ago. The other day I plugged in the USB from the 422 and a spindle speed error (I don't remember the exact verbiage...should have written it down but have since reloaded mach and the plugin) continued to manifest. The computer seemed like it was continuously finding the 422 (beeping as if finding the device over and over again).  I have reloaded mach and the plugin and the 422 seems to be working as advertised.

I will let you know how the VFD start end freq setting adjustments turns out.

SmartBOB controllers and dedicated accessories / PMDX 407 AOut voltage
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:14:14 AM »
I am running a 407 with a Hitachi NE-S1 VFD. (The mach4 build is 2238 with the 0.17.86 plugin)
The fwd/rev signal is through the 422 relay. The speed control and directional control to the VFD are both working. However, the motor will continue to spin at a very low RPM (.4V Aout voltage) when I try to stop the spindle in mach4 (M5 is commanded)(I'm not using a signal from the 422 to the VFD for stop) . At this point, the PWM led appears to be out but the RUN led is still bright. Aref appears to be 11.5V and the VFD is set up for a 0-10V input signal. As of now, the RUN led remains on whenever the 422/407 is powered (with or without ref voltage, mach launched or closed)? I found a start/end freq setting adjustment function (for external analog input) for O/OI on the VFD side. Is there anything I should be looking for on the mach/PMDX side?


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