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Messages - Home CNC

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I would also like to know the answer to this.  I have Gecko 320 servo drivers and have to push the enable button physically every time it is turned on.

Can the software enable/disable the servos on startup or power down so no need to push the switch?

For my limit switches can I connect my proximity sensors directly to the parallel port pins?

I was planning to use X Y and Z two sensors each in parallel on pins 11,12 and 13.

Can I connect the switches with brown wire to 24 volt from the main board, blue wire to ground and black wire to the respective pin 11-13?

They are NPN switches.

I recently bought a P4-Se pendant and the plugin in Mach 4 would not open.  It works fine but not able to open the app.  I contacted VistaCNC and they told me they don't have a working Mach 4 plugin yet, working on it.  But the pendant works.  Just not able to adjust settings with the plugin.

It is an outstanding pendant though!  Very nice in velocity mode to get quickly to the touch off point and just slowing down the MPG turning go very slow to touch. 

I went with the e version because it makes the Emergency Stop button in the pendant a hard wired switch as well as the software switch.  Still works with the software USB Emergency Stop.  Pendant does not go directly into USB, first to the switch box with a relay hard wired to the switch then to the USB.  Wires from the relay box go to hard E Stop on the circuit board.  That way for safety it will cut off the machine for sure regardless of what the USB port or software is doing.

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