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Messages - qahrens

Pages: [1]
Thanks Steve that did the trick.  On the PMDX-126 I moved dip switch "config 4" to the open position to put the board into "merged inputs" mode.  A jumper was connected between J12 GND and "15" to hold that signal low.  Touching J11 "H" to GND now causes the "probe triggered" led on the 179 panel to light up (and it is off otherwise).  ESS plugin config in Mach4 now has Port #1 pin 15 changed to active high.  Mach4 also sees the probe as triggered when touching J11 H to GND.  It can be a little confusing because the signal is applied to J11 H, which is actually Port #2 pin 15, but Mach4 sees the signal on Port #1 pin 15 due to the merged inputs mode.

I have a PMDX-126 with a SmoothStepper connected to a PMDX-179-PAN and using Mach4.  All leds on the PMDX-179 are working correctly (Emergency Stop, Outputs Enabled, Step Activity, Control Power), but the Probe Triggered led is constantly on.  I am attempting to setup a simple touch probe with the GND touching J12-Pin 15. 

PMDX-126 JP5: Off
PMDX-126 dip switches all closed (not in merged input mode)

ESS Config
Pins Config-> port #1 - Pin 15: active low (named probe)
Input Signals-> Probe (G31 or G31.0) set to the ESS pin
Probing-> "All other probes probes will be ignored during probing" is checked

Mach4 Config
Input Signals-> Probe is checked and mapped to the ESS pin

In machine diagnostics the probe input signal lights up when Pin 15 is touched to GND and the Probe Triggered led goes out.  Is it possible somehow for the Probe Triggered led to illuminate when Pin 15 is connected to GND instead of turning off when Pin 15 is connected to GND?


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