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Messages - lebies

Pages: [1]
Hey Bob,

Thanks for the fix, really appreciate your answer.

I'll implement in the morning and report back on outcome (for completeness).

I must say, to date it's been a real pleasure working with the PMDX-422. I'm sure I'll run into more 'issues' in due course, but to now I've had very little to complain about. And my machine is purring along beautifully and accurately.

Cheers ...

Hey all,

Am commissioning my machine and the only issue I have so far is that the Z-axis does not return to zero when I click the "Goto Zero" button. The X and Y axis both return to zero properly.

I'm on PMDX-422, Ver 0.25.111 plugin with licensed Mach4 Hobby Build 2336 running on a quad-core 2.8GHz cpu, 4GB Ram, Lenovo, Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Metric units.

Entering G-Code in MID tab like g0 x100 y100 z50, cycle start - moves X to 100, Y to 100 and Z to 50, as expected. Now hit the "Goto Zero" button and X and Y return to their respective zero positions but Z doesn't move at all. Hitting Z+ or Z- jog buttons now moves the axis down or up as commanded.

Or in Jogging tab, Cycle Jog Inc set to 1.0000 (or for any of the others), Jog Mode in either Cont or Step all axis move as expected for whatever settings. Say I move X, Y and Z to some point they move to that point. Now hit Goto Zero and X and Y do as commanded but Z ignores the button. Again, hitting Z+ or Z- jog buttons now moves Z down or up as commanded.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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