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Messages - Brad H

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Things have been better since I added the external 5V supply on the ESS. But it still misbehaves once and a while.  The router will turn on when the machine is idle or the router will not turn off with the M05 command like it usually does.  One of these happens about every couple of days or every couple of hours of running.

Any idea what to look at next?


I am in the US running 120 VAC to the 126 board. AC in voltage switch is 115.   I just put an external PS on the SS and they system seems to work. The supply I added is a 5V 3A linear equipment supply so it should have plenty of juice. Measured in at 4.97V under operation.  Will have to run it for a while to see if the problem comes back.


I finally got back to this.

The SS is powered by the 126

I am running Mach 3 and went over the configurations a couple of times. The attached PDF shows my configuration.

I don't find any SS pin mapping dialog program/page.

What I am see now is on a "cold" start ( system turned off for a couple of hours) I get the bad behavior of the router starting just a second or so after the power is turned on (computer still loading up) and I cannot control the motor with the M3 or M5 commands once Mach3 is up.  If I then turn the system off and back on again now the router does not come on right away and I can control it with the M3 and M5 commands.

What I did today is move the 4th axis DIR signal from Port 1 Pin 17 to Port 1 pin 14 but that did not make any change.

If anyone has any ideas on the source of this strange behavior your input would be greatly appreciated.



Your first paragraph is correct. By "up and running" I mean the software loaded. But the ability to control the relay is not consistent. Some times the relay/router is always on.

All the dip switches are in the closed position.

JP1 is set to "Pin 1"

Pin 16 and pin 17 are wired to the step and direction terminals respectively of a GeckoDrive G201X motor driver.

I hope this helps clarity. Thanks


I have a 126 with an ethernet SS  driving the parallel ports. I just added a rotary actuator using port 1 pin 16 for step and port 1 pin 17 for direction. Everything appears operational as did my first cuts this afternoon.  The issue is the Router comes on (controlled by relay K1) when the system powers up and then shuts off after everything is up and running.  I don't have the problem if pin 17 is disconnected. I am running in Normal mode so not using the charge pump. My understanding is that pin 17 is available for motor control under these conditions. What am I missing?



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