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Messages - Comptargetdesign

Pages: [1]
I am running into problems with the speed control of my spindle.
I am running a warp 9 smooth stepper, to a 126 and 107 to a Hitachi WJ200. I can start the spindle of the mill, for example S2000 M03 however the RPM is only turning about 46 vs 2000. I can adjust the speed up and it will speed up a bit. If I run from the VFD the spindle seems to run at the correct speed. I know I most likely have a setting wrong but have no clue where to look. Have read over the Mach 3 manual, the Hitachi manual and the PMDX manuals. Google has not been my friend. Hope someone here can help out. You can email me if that is easier or we can talk on phone. I am pulling my hair out at this point.

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