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Messages - jrbloom

Pages: [1]
New board installed and working fine, so this was the issue. Thanks Steve.

Ok, so I tried using the ESS Pin controls to Force Charge Pump to Off during Stop, but it makes no difference. I'm guessing that this affects the output only for the G-Code STOP button, and has nothing to do with eStop sadly. Seems strange that Mach3 could do this and Mach4 cannot as far as I can tell.

Taking Force9 at their word (that charge pump is redundant in ESS designs) I have switched the PMDX-126/107 to non charge pump mode instead, and the eStop now releases correctly.

I just mean the charge-pump. For some reason my brain keeps picturing it as a PWM, and conflating the two!

I'm using an ESS. I did some trawling yesterday and noticed two things:
1) Warp9 point out that we don't really need the charge-pump at all because the ESS won't create noise on the parallel port like a classic direct PC connection
2) There appear to be controls in the pin setup of the ESS config tool to explicitly gate any output on both eStop and Machine Hold. So I should be able to set this for the charge-pump output.

I'm conservative when it comes to machinery so will probably not disable the charge pump unless I have a good reason to. I haven't had a chance to confirm that 2) above works yet. But it looks like it should, and that's the path I will likely take.

Thanks for stepping in and helping here. It's been a baptism of fire, but I'm nearly there I think.


Thank you, this does match my observations perfectly. At least I know the board itself is behaving 'normally' even if that 'normal' is not documented!

Now I just need to work out how to ask Mach4 to pause/restart the PWM. I'm very new to this, but hopefully the answer lies in an LUA script. I'll do some digging and update this thread for completeness if I find a solution.

Lol ... Androids gboard helpfully corrected "PWM" TO "own" above twice 🙄

I meant to say "it is as though the Bob latches the state until the PWM is lost."
"If the Bob really requires the PWM to stop is there a way to do this without restarting?"

I have just wired up an estop to my new PMDX-126 based enclosure. The button works as expected on initial press. But once activated the BOB seems to latch the signal and releasing the switch dies not clear the state (led remains lit). Restarting Mach 4 clears the condition until I press again. It's as though the Bob holds the state until the own is lost.

I have confirmed that the switch us working properly. Once latched even shorting the input with a jumper doesn't release it.

And ideas what might be wrong? If the Bob really requires the own to stop is there a way to do this without restarting Mach?




I am just bringing up my new CNC controller electronics, using the PMDX-126 and PMDX-107 boards. PMDX-126 seems to be behaving correctly and motion/sensors doing what I would expect.
However my Spindle operates at only around 60% commanded speed, and the VFD also reports similar commanded frequency.

Mach4 logging shows that it thinks the PWM is at full duty cycle (max speed). Voltage on the PMDX-126 Port1/Pin16 is also around 4V confirming the PWM is near full duty cycle.

I measured the voltage across Aout/Aref and sure enough I only see ~5-6V. As a sanity test I flipped the 10v/5v switch and Aout falls to ~3V.

As a final verification, I checked behaviour with the PMDX-107 test button. This shows exactly the same behaviour.

A secondary observation is that sometimes the PMDX-107 stops commanding completely. I see the Port1/Pin14 and 16 LED's flashing as expected on the PMDX-126, but the PMDX-107 LED's remain off, except status. Hitting RESET on MACH4 (not sure what this does yet, this is my first CNC) usually brings this back.

Is my 107 board duff?



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