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Messages - epoch80

Pages: [1]
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the error is completely random, which is making troubleshooting difficult. We can run the machine for days without issue, then have 3 in a few hours. It is a custom machine that is not running a standard VFD and spindle. It has 4 axes. 2 x 48v stepper motors and 2 x AC servo motors. I have done all the standard EMI related fixes.

We have a PMDX-424 SmartBOB-IsoUSB with break out board.

We are having continual intermittent issues which show in Mach4 as below.

PMDX: Communication error 'Lost Sync'
PMDX: Communication status 'Sync'd to Device'

Communication seems to be lost and the re-gained straight away, but in that time our program is completely lost leaving us no option but to re-boot the entire machine, re-home and restart the program. Nightmare.

I have performed the following mitigation tips previously recommended via support.

Measure 1: Provide a common ground between the board and the PC - this was completed as instructed. 

Measure 2: Adding a magnetic ferrite filter - We added ferrites to both ends of a high quality shielded 50cm USB and installed conduit around the cable to further mitigate possible interference.

Measure 3: Replace 424 - We replaced the 424 as instructed.

Any insight anyone could offer us as to why we are continuing to receive this error would be appreciated.

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