Author Topic: Intermitent startup  (Read 3519 times)


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Intermitent startup
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:55:59 AM »
I just wired my SmartBOB to my router. Frequently on startup Mach4 does not seem to complete startup- its tool path window is grey not the expected blue. Sometimes If I enable it I can jog the motors, but the DROs do not change. It wont run code like this. Sometime even jog will not work.

I have tried multiple restarts of mach, both with and without power cycle of the SmartBOB. It only works about 1 in 10 tries.

This is with the latest mach4 and smartBob plugin today, July 27.

Steve Stallings

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Re: Intermitent startup
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2015, 12:51:06 PM »
Here are the things we recommend that you try:

1) Load the original Mach4Mill profile and make sure that the PMDX
    SmartBOB plugin is NOT in the plugins directory. See if this will
    load and start reliably.

2) Make sure you have a machine that meets the minimum requirements
    as listed near the bottom of the page here:

    We have seen significant problems trying to run without hyperthreading
    support on signal core processors.

3) If the above do not help, please send us your configuration information.

As of build 2580 Mach4 now has a function to capture the
machine configuration and profile into a zip file. This is
useful when there are doubts about how the machine is

This function is under the Help > Support dialog. If you
use it, be sure to edit the email address to send it to
PMDX instead of MachSupport.

Steve Stallings