Based on a reference note you had on your web site, regarding USB Pendants - I contacted VistaCNC.
VistaCNC's response:
"Our USB pendants do not support Mach4.
We don't have Mach4 plugins yet. We are currently working on those plugins..."
I'm doing this "on paper" as I continue to acquire parts and try to understand it:
I have an Intel NUC PC - usb connected to a - PMDX-410, PMDX-407, and PMDX-134, with (4) Gecko G203V's
I'm planning on running Mach 4 on the NUC PC.
Assuming plug-ins existed, would you just plug the pendant into an available USB port on the NUC PC.
Does anyone have a USB pendant that will work with this hookup?? (or is that really a Mach 4 question)