I've been researching micro/mini mills for last couple of weeks for a possible hobby CNC machine. I'm close to ordering the Sherline CNC ready 5400 mill. I've owned a Sherline lathe (non-CNC) for many years and like the accuracy and tooling selection; in addition, I always try to support a USA manufacturer when possible. While visiting the on-line Sherline CNC group I came across a post from Stan Stocker highly recommending the PMDX-340 box. I also visited the PMDX booth at the recent Cabin Fever show. Assuming the purchase of the CNC ready Sherline mill I have couple of questions hopefully you can help me with:
1. In a post on the PMDX forum you recommended the following stepper motors for use with PMDX-340. Quoting your reply to a Sherline inquiry, "If you want to upgrade, the for the X and Y axis, I would consider these:
http://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/nema-23/nema23-185ozin-3a-stepper-motor-%C2%BC%E2%80%9D-dual-shaft-kl23h256-21-8b-duplicateFor the Z axis, I would consider this one:
http://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/nema-23/nema-23-bipolar-stepper-motor-quarter-inch-dual-shaft-with-flat-282-oz-inThey are more powerful than the originals, but not enough so that they overwhelm the machine." Are these still your recommendations for the Sherline CNC ready mill?
2. What cables and connectors would you recommend to connect the steppers (documentation states they are 4 wire) to the PMDX-340? Can these be purchased from PMDX?
3. I plan on running this on an old desktop DELL Pentium 4, 2.8ghz. It currently has Windows XP, and a upgraded video card. I tried downloading the Mach3 trial version yesterday and it seems to run OK on this PC, the included timing test produced an "excellent" result. This PC has a parallel printer port and several USB ports. What do you recommend for use on this PC, Mach3 or Mach4? I have no experience with either, but the Mach3 seems to be a better match for Windows XP. Would it make sense to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7? I assuming either Mach3 or 4 could be purchased through PMDX.
4. Does the PMDX-340 support X,Y,Z and Home stops? Can you supply the necessary components.
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions, if there other things I should be considering please advise (smooth stepper?)
Bob Edwards
Purcellville, VA
PS: Enjoy the snow this weekend I live in Loudoun County not far from Lorton.